My buns raid my vege and herb garden everyday. I have- purple & normal basil, cilantro, mint, oregano, thyme, apple mint, Italian parsley & normal parsley, spearmint, comfrey, borage, echinacea, kale, nasturtium, romaine & frilly lettuce, spinach + my rose bushes & strawberries are a fav. They even ate all my snow pea seedlings which didn't get a chance to grow & any of the flowers off my cottage garden flowers. They only take little nibbles so I still get to harvest a lot & they don't take out the whole garden- sharing is caring in their eyes

My special needs bunny with a sensitive digestive tract has her own edible weeds patch with dandelions, puha, clover & plantain with a few other varieties I don't know the names of + I dry out rose tree prunings for her to munch on.
My buns are always right by my side when I'm gardening, sussing out all the new stuff I put in plus they like to "dig for treasure" in my vege patches so they are very helpful when I planting out.
It really is the highlight of their day raiding the patches + they fertilise if for me to