Buffy could be paralysed

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I have already made an apointment earlier just now. I am bringing Buffy to the vet tomorrow morning. Lets hope he will be fine.

All the little ones are still nursing at least two times a day. Mommy doing a great job. So proud of her. She was licking Buffy's leg when Buffy milk from her. Amazing that she knew Buffy is unwell.
Since he's so young, maybe you want to wipe the genitals with a cotton ball dipped in warm water, which is similar to how the mom makes the babies pee. He is a bit old to need his mom to help him pee, but it's just an idea.
Hi there,

My name is Lisa , and I've been in contact with Cathy(Blue Giants)about Buffy. I know you're very upset, but this problem isn't too unusual and can be taken care of.

I realize that you're in Singapore, but I would be happy to call you to walk you through how to express Buffy's bladder. My Chinese isn't that good, but I can find a translator if we need it.

Feel free to send me your number - I know it's very late in Singapore, but I'll be in touch.

Best luck to you,


Edited last names....
Sending good thoughts to Buffy's mom, siblings, and Buffy!

I ditto what BlueGiants posted about not having enough pee in the bladder reservoir all the time, so then nothing comes out when you express. You don't want to overtax the bladder muscles and express too hard.

Tamm, disabled bunn #2 in our home, fell from a loft shelf at a young age or binky'd too high in the basement and slipped/slammed down on the uncovered concrete floor damaging her soft tissue and muscular system. So that sounds similar to the fall Buffy experienced. We express her bladder daily, along with disabled Karla. Ongoing for almost four years, although they can pee on their own as well. Expression helps with sludge concerns, and saves on laundry.

As BlueGiants and Randy noted the spinal stress and healing time are important factors to monitor.

Buffy's bones are all okay...

Whew!! You're on a healthy recovery start already!

Yup, amazing how mom bunny is listening to her little one and sensing his minor distress. Keep up the good work taking Buffy to the vet and touching base in here with us human guardians who have Infirmary Knowledge and experience with disabled, spinal trauma and muscular impairment bunns.

Look forward to what other things your vet will say. Don't give up hope.

A few minutes each day can keep Buffy's impaired muscles properly working, after he gets through initial healing phase. I hope you'll check in and let us know how he's doing.

Simply daily physical therapy exercises you can do for Buffy after he recovers initially will / or should / improve use of his legs. Karla's holistic vet recommended a nerve regeneration powder for Karla and Tamm. I mix that with a tiny bit of natural applesauce and water and Karla laps it up willingly. Adequan injections, as Buffy matures, will help also, from my experience in giving them to Karla.

...Do a google search on Adequan.

|| EDIT: I'm unaware if meds are world-wide accessible, available in Singapore ||
Didn't realize you were in Singapore 'sha when I began typing.

Continuance of Adequan notes: After the intial program of administration, the maintenance injections every 2 wks assist with her impairment ( ability to lift her disabled hind legs ). Karla's chiropractor tested both Karla and Tamm for nerve responses by squeezing into between their toes. Our vet does the same.

Long-term: Sling time, to improve mobility of their weakened disabled limbs.

Randy is the expert on pills prescribed or knows what works for his domestics and cottontail patients.
Everyone here is offering excellent advice from personal experiences...

Hope the feedback offers cheer and support to you and Buffy.

Oh thnx so much everyone. Is there a bigger word for appretiate?

I have read what tonyshuman said to wipe Buffy's genitals with cotton dipped in warm water. May I know how often?
Hi Lisa

Its really caring of you to show so much concern. I do not know how to express myself how thankful I am. I had just come back from the vet earlier. The doctor taught me again how to express the bladder and I managed it.I have just express his bladder a few mins ago. I'm so happy.

Once again, thank you for all the support especially that i know Buffy's situation can be taken care of.

Hey TreasuredFriend and everyone here who have been giving me so much support

All that you said about the nerve regeneration powder and adequan injection, are those prescribed by doctor immedaitely upon seeing Buffy's condition?

When I went to thevet earlier this morning, I was taught how to express buffy's bladder again and thats all. The doctor just reminded me to continue Buffy's medication and bring him back for another visit two weeks later.

It makes me feel that maybe the doctor doesn't really know how to handle predator pet like Buffy especially that he is still a tiny soul. This is actually the first time I have been to a vet in my life. I can see that majority pets there were dogs and cats. When I was there, I was told to cover Buffy's face with my palm and hold his little body firmly to make him feel secure because he could get too scared causing his heartbeat to increase rapidly and could givehim aheart attack that may kill him. Somehow, I regret for bringing him to that animal clinic.

I know I must bring him to avet thatspecialize in bunnieswhich I dont know if itdoes exist here in Singapore. Then later I founda site called the House Rabbit Society. Let me share the link with everyone here....


From there, I discovered a number of animal clinics that can handle bunnies. But they are quite distant from home. On the other hand, I still don't know if my dad would mind to spend a little more on another visit.

I'm glad the vet showed you how to express the bladder and it worked! That's probably the best thing to do for him. Keep us updated on his progress and good luck!!
naturestee wrote:
That's great news!

Is Buffy still eating and drinking ok?

Oh ... I think I have another problem. It seemed that Buffy doesn't stop peeing since afternoon. Its already pass midnight and I have changed Buffy's bedding for the like the hundreth time!! Its not normally flooded like that. I am worried that there is something wrong with his bladder. :tears2:

I googled about the name of the tablet the doctor gave. Its neuroforte tablets. But I couldnt find the information I need about that drug. Could it be that Buffy doesn't stop peeing because of the medication? Should I stop the medication and see what happens? Buffy poops fine so far.

The last time time I express his bladder, Iwiped Buffy's genitals with warm cotton ball. Just went I put a little force on him, he immediately peed on his own. Since then he didn't stop peeing. Its like ... the pee keeps flowing. What can I do?
That is strange that he won't stop peeing. Makes me think that he has no control over his bladder muscles and they are just going on impulse. I don't know if it will stop or if it should stop (he may have a lot of volume to void).

The drug your vet gave is a vitamin B12 supplement. I read that it can help the nervous system function properly:dunno
looking for more info now...
Im so happy for you and Buffy, Sha!

With practice you'll certainly build more confidence expressing Buffy's bladder. Before long it should become second-nature - especially after Buffy gets used to the procedure.

If I can be of help in any way, please don't hesitate to contact me! And good luck to you both!


How's his pee'er working today? Still dribbling or leaking?

A note on Adequan injections from your question in Feb-4 posting.
Excerpt from the book WHEN YOUR RABBIT NEEDS SPECIAL CARE by Lucile Moore and Kathy Smith. Chapter 9, Elderbuns. Pg. 250 ... "Metacam is probably the most prescribed medication for arthritic buns in the United States, but sometimes the extent of the pain may require giving opioids. Caretakers who have used both butorphanol and Buprenex for arthritis pain generally prefer Buprenex for its longer-lasting effects. They also find it less likely to cause digestive upset. Giving an arthritic bun Adequan, an injectable medication used for its action in decreasing cartilage destruction and stimulating joint repair, may occasionally be suggested by a vet." / end excerpt.

Yes, Adequan would need to be obtained from a vet. I don't think it's appropriate in little-bitty Buffy's situation or at this time. The vial we purchased from our vet clinic for Karla's injections was $36.72. The Herbsmith nerve regeneration powder was mixed by (and obtained from) the DVM chiropractor.

How is Buffy doing? I hope, I hope he's getting nurtured and doing alright. Have you been able to confer with a different veterinarian ?

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