Buck's Bunny Bistro Has An Official Maitre D'

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Well-Known Member
Jan 16, 2006
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Forum favorite JimD has stepped up to the bar at Buck's Bunny Bistro! :toastingbuns


:groupparty::bouquet::pinkbouce::bunnieskiss:goodjob:agree:group::bunny18:bunnyheart:party0002::big kiss:

Jim will be expanding his RO Moderator roll to take on the care and coordination of the new room.

If you have any requests,he's D man!

:thanks: :thanks::thanks::thanks::thanks::thanks::thanks::thanks::thanks::thanks:

YIPPEEEEEEEE!!!!! :pinkbouce:

A perfect choice!

Are bunny pictures required for this position? :idea

Congratulations, Jim!

Buck would definitely say the right man was chosen for the job. :highfive:


Yay, Jim!!!
Pipp wrote:
Bo B Bunny wrote:
YIPPEEEEEEEE!!!!! :pinkbouce:

A perfect choice!
Yes! Jim isperfect! :hearts

Uh... did we mention that we've nominated YOU to help him out? :biggrin2:

Yes, you did mention that you had made that decision for me! ;)

I'm happy to do it :) Jim can show me the ropes! :biggrin2:
I only knew Buck a short time on the forum - I think I joined in March and then he died shortly afterwards....

But so often I"ll read Jim's posts and remember Buck and think about how much Jim reminds me of Buck....his gentleness..yet firmness. I've told him so many times...

So I'm thrilled that Jim has this spot - it only seems right.

Buck was a gem! He helped me feel better about having to trim Bo's nails - he told me not to worry that he wouldn't break if I held him firm. Honestly, he made a huge difference in the lives of my rabbits just with that advice. I am not as worried about hurting them when I have to trim them - and that makes me less nervous - them less nervous and the job easier.

One example of the knowledge, kindness and caring that was Buck.
JimD wrote:
Bo B Bunny wrote:
Soooooo What's for dinner tonight? :cooking:
I thought you were cooking tonight !!?!? :?

Oh, Didn't you get my message? We went out for dinner! LOL!

Hope you're feeling better, Jim, I read the other post about your having the flu! I had something earlier in the week and felt like I'd been hit by a train and someone decided to do tap-dancing on my brain!

Thankfully, I think I'm on the upswing from that! :)

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