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pamnock wrote:
And to further gross you guys out -- the ear mites scratch and makenoise in the ear as they chew and dig through the surface tissue in theear. Dr. Lopez found it quite annoying and couldn't sleep atnight. :p
You're enjoying this aren't you?!


Thats the little sore in binkie's ear
Bo B Bunny wrote:

You're enjoying this aren't you?!


You wouldn't want to be sitting at the dinner table with us discussingthe latest ailments, treatments and what we did for biology that day!

The really heated topics involve discussions on whether or not creationby an intelligent being really could be possible under currentlyunderstood scientific theories.

No boring dinner table topics at our house! LOL

i noticed recently that Briar's been drinkingmore and eating less. could this be a side effect of the mites? he wassuch a food hog before, now, he isn't as interested in food,he's more interested in water. could it be diabetes or something? orwas he just too stressed out from the mites and me cleaning his ear? heis pooping, but not really as much as he used to. when i went out tothe barn this evening, he had lots of food left. also, could he bemissing Bramble? their cages were side by side, and only a screen ofchicken wire seperated them. i really hope he's not missing Bramble,because when she kindles, i'm not moving her back into the barn untilit's into the 70's for long periods of time and the kits are at leastlike two weeks or so.

It could be due to the ear mite infestation, or the ear mite infestation may be a secondary sign of another illness.

Hello, thanks for all your help Pam.

I'm still running into problems, Briar is scratching his ears again,it's worse, so is Bramble, just not as frequently, how often should idesinfect? How much of a risk of infecting the inner ear are ear mites?I think i've read that they can have nerve damage from them as asecondary infection or something? i don't remember exactly.

Briar is stil just guzzling down his water, what in the worldcould it be? he's getting back to being a food hog again, but, thewater is still puzzling me, on other symtoms, just drinks LOADS ofwater:?.

I just treated Briar.

I had such a horrible time. First, i get down there, and he'sall happy to see me. Good right? Right. Briar's ILikeEllie O' Meter: 10

Then, i get him onto my lap and swab his ears gently to see if he has any wax. ILikeEllie O' Meter: 8 1/2

Then, i proceed by putting the ear mite cleaner in both his ears...he loathed it! ILikeEllie O' Meter: 3

He shakes his head, nearly all of the cleaner leaves Briars ear and falls onto me. ILikeEllie O' Meter: 1/2

I put more cleaner in his ears, another HUGE fight. ILikeEllie O' Meter: -3

Argh! i had such an awful time, you should have seen his behavior, hehated it with a burning passion, put up a massive fight too. I've gotthe poor bun in my lap as i type this, I had to bring him in to cleanoff the cleaner on his fur that he tossed everywhere. I didn't want himto ingest it....:?

Oh Ellie, Your LIKEELLIEO'METER is hilarious!That gave me the biggest laugh :) It's so true! it's almostlike you can see the O'meter on them! *giggles*

I hope you get their ears cleared up tho. I know it's worrisome :(
pamnock wrote:
Andto further gross you guys out -- the ear mites scratch and make noisein the ear as they chew and dig through the surface tissue in theear. Dr. Lopez found it quite annoying and couldn't sleep atnight. :p


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