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i just finished cleaning out Briar's ear. itseems a LOT clearer, he was slightly bleeding, there was one bigscab but, i think that's an actual scab, so i left that, you can seethe black oval shaped scab i'm talking about in the middle picture onthe other reply. how often should i clean the ear? how contagious isthis?

It's not highly contagious -- direct contactwould most likely be necessary, although most rabbits probably have lowpopulations of ear/fur mites that generally exist in harmonious balancewith their host.

Bo B Bunny wrote:
Did I ever mention I have a very weak stomach?? :?

Ya gotta watch out for posts like these, Bo.

It can get Nasty. I hate 'going there' myself.

Bramble Briar86 wrote:
No Pam, you were right, it's around the edge. bramble's in thehouse, because of her being (hopefully) very pregnant at the currenttime. i think it's probably a fungal infection. thanks for all theadvice, i'm working on taking a picture of it at the moment.


Just reading the beginning of this post now.

YAY! :dude: :dude: Pam and Ellie were on the same page afterall!

Great Pictures, Ellie.

Keep us posted on Briar. We're feeling his pain along with you.

I LuV MaH BuNs wrote:
binkie has little ones.... hm i think they are from scratching thou

Keep an eye on it, Danielle.

Can you post a picture of Binkie's little ones?

Agh!!!!!!!!i just checked Bramble's ears for earmites, and guess what. she has them, in the same ear too! the bad thingis, she's due on Saturday, and me cleaning out Briar's ears flipped himout so much, i don't think ican do it on a pregnant doe! idon't want to get herkits infected. any ideas as to how i canclean her ear without stressing her?:?

update: i just cleaned Bramble's ear. she didn'thave as bad a case as Briar. I'm going to try to keep on top of theearmites so that they'll clear up soon. I really hope i didn't injureany of the kits in Bramble when i tried to restrain her by gentlywrapping her in a towel:?. thanks for all the well-wishing.:)

Oh...yuck!!! Mites just creep meout...and I've seen more then my fair share. I think kittensdeliberately given mites when they are brought to my store if I'm goingto have to bath them. LOL

Check your medicine before you use it, a lot say they aren't for use onpregnant or nursing mothers. Your vet should have aninjection of a solution called Ivomec or a solutions of somethingcalled Ivermectin. Which might be a better option (althoughI'm not sure these are ok for bunnies, but I think so).


P.S. Looking forward to new baby pictures.
After I read this thread earlier..... I got Boout and looked down his ears really good. He was mad, butthey are clean and I feel much better. :)
I did the same thing Bo! I brought my rabbits out and checked their ears out and teeth and such.

How does one get earmites?
Rabbits can be infected with earmite through direct contact or may already have a small colony residing deep in the ear.

A drop of ear mite medication in the ears once a month will help toprevent ear mite investation, as will a monthly injection of Ivermectin.

People may also be infected with ears mites as documented by Dr. RobertA.Lopez, DVM, past president of the New York State Vet.Assooc. and an SPCA consultant infected himself with ear mites todetermine whether or not they could survive in the human ear.They did survive quite successfully, much to Dr. Lopez'smisery. The mites were most active in the evening hours andinfestation led to a secondary bacterial infection in Dr. Lopez's ear.

I do want to add that I rarely see a case of earmites, even when housing up to 200 rabbits. The only case Ihad seen recently was a rabbit that the kids purchased.


And to further gross you guys out -- the ear mites scratch and makenoise in the ear as they chew and dig through the surface tissue in theear. Dr. Lopez found it quite annoying and couldn't sleep atnight. :p

pamnock wrote:
Andto further gross you guys out -- the ear mites scratch and make noisein the ear as they chew and dig through the surface tissue in theear. Dr. Lopez found it quite annoying and couldn't sleep atnight. :p
:shock:EWWWWWWW!!!!:shock:THAT'S JUST NASTY!!!!!!!:shock:EWWWWWW!!!!:shock:


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