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Bramble Briar86

Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2004
Reaction score
Honey Bun's Hangout, Illinois, USA
last night, i brought Briar in from the barn toplay with him in the warm house. i looked in his ears as i was checkinghim over. i noticed odd-looking scabs in his ear. they kind of lookedlike mold or something. i'm at school at the moment. when i get home,i'll try to take some pictures and post them, unless you all know whatit is. i tried to clean off the "mold" looking scabs, it reallyhurt him and i didn't proceed any further. it's kind of red around theedges, it's not like anything i've ever seen or heard of before. i'mtotally and utterly confused and worried:shock::?.

It may be a fungal or bacterial infection aroundthe edges of the ears. Try foot fungal powder for people andsee if that clears it up.

Not sure why this develops around the edge of the ear, but I do see itoccasionally. May be due to the rabbit licking and cleaningit's ear, and retained moisture/dampness around the ears causing abacterial infection.

Could possibly be mites, but I'd start with the fungal powder first.

Is it greenish in color?? Pseudodomonas bacteria causes a green infection and grows on damp skin.

I also just noticed that you house him in the barn -- any chance that his ears got frostbite?


The only thing that I know of would be ear mites.

I had cats that had ear mites and you're right about them being black.

When I researched ear mites in rabbits, they appeared a bit differentin the pictures and videos...almost closer to your description.


You could go with Pam's advice. I just noticed that she got a post in before me and it's got much better advice ;)


Hi Briar Bramble,

Does it look a bit like this?


This obviously isn't in a rabbit's ear, but rabbits can get this type of scab.

Would follow Pamnock's advice, and keep a close eye on whether it'shelping. Bare spots or scabs can suggest that the rabbit'sbeen battling parasites or another rabbit. Any chance ofBriar and Bramble getting into a fight and having it get infected?

Pam, Would you suggest that BB clean the scabs? Howlong does she wait to see if the fungal powder works? Ithought the infection was inside the ear she's describing. Does thesame theory apply? If it is a bacteria, should Briar bequarantineed until it's healed so as not to pass it on to Bramble?

Sorry! I didn't want to go there, but from what she was describing, but I'm trying to understand her description.

I hope Lissa doesn't look at this post. She'll lose it.

Carolyn wrote:
Pam, Would you suggest that BB clean the scabs? Howlong does she wait to see if the fungal powder works? Ithought the infection was inside the ear she's describing. Does thesame theory apply? If it is a bacteria, should Briar bequarantineed until it's healed so as not to pass it on to Bramble?


I assumed when she had mentioned red around the "edge", that she meantthe edge of the ear. But, I think you are right -- now that Ire-read it, sounds like it is "in" the ear.

I wouldn't pick at it, as it's very painful and may have developed intoa bacterial infection. If it's inside the ear, put ear mitedrops from the pet store into the ear daily. Wait until thematerial softens up before attempting to wipe it out of the ear.

The material inside the ear may not always appear dark (from dried blood).

Thanks for the clarification Carolyn!!!!!!

Carolyn wrote:
Sorry! I didn't want to go there, but from whatshe was describing, but I'm trying to understand her description.

I hope Lissa doesn't look at this post. She'll lose it.


Not nearly so bad as our fetal pig dissection today :shock:

Thanks, Pam.?

If they two rabbits had gotten into a brawl and Bramble got her nail inBriar's ear and scratched it, how would that scab look different froman ear mite scab - if it would at all.

As always, Thank You for helping. Pam.

* * * *


I'd look over Bramble as well for signs of ear mites.? Flakey skin, scabs, hair loss, things of that nature.


pamnock wrote:
Not nearly so bad as our fetal pig dissection today :shock:


* * * * * *

Glad I didn't decide to visit you today! :shock:

No Pam, you were right, it's around the edge.bramble's in the house, because of her being (hopefully) very pregnantat the current time. i think it's probably a fungal infection. thanksfor all the advice, i'm working on taking a picture of it at the moment.

Bramble Briar86 wrote:
thanks a bunch! i'll be able to pick up some on Saturday.or, i have some that is perscribed for dogs/cats, is this ok?


Yes -- the cat product is fine.


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