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Well-Known Member
Jun 18, 2007
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Liverpool, , United Kingdom
18th June 2007

Ok so im guessing my old blog was deleated along with my post count and username, so I guess im gona have to start again. I've been asking my parents for a rabbit for ages and I guess within the last few months they were finally coming round to the idea. I'd lookedround numerous rescue centres and pet shopsbut could'nt find the right rabbit for me. Then a few weeks ago I was in a pet shop with my mum looking at some dog food for my uncles dog and I noticed that they had rabbits, so I went to take a look. They only had about 5 hutches which looked pretty un cared for, inside were rabbits and guinnie pigs, about 5 to each tiny hutch. As I walked to the end I noticed a little grey ball of fluff asleep in thehay, when the woman got him out I fell in love with him instantly. She said he was 6 weeks and had only come in yesterday. When I looked inside the hutch the other much older rabbits and 2 guinnie pigs looked really unwell, I also pointed out that one of the pigs had a massive cut on the side of its head that looked infected, the woman just srugged. So from then on I knew if I didnt take him home he'd probably get an infection and die.

As any new rabbit he was really nervous when I first got him home. I wish I could say he stayed quiet! He's a little monster now... but I wouldn't have him anyother way!

Heres some pictures of him on his first day home



I think she would love nibby problem is you would be pushed to tell which one was which lol and he'sma boy. Seriously though how far away are you i can feel a bunny nap coming on lol
25th June 2007

Incase any of you don't know the weathers been really rubbish over here the last week or so, I know the start of our summers arn't great but I don't think anyone was expecting floods! Bracon went for his last vacsination this week and while I was there I found out that he was... well a she. It didn't shock me that much as I kinda had a feeling from the start. So because of the rubbish weather Bracons not been able to go in her run a lot this week, so she's been in the house a few hours everyday, BAD IDEA!She must have gone through about 5 wires, even though I tried my best to"bunny proof them". And is it just me or do you guy's find it really hard to takepictures of your bunnys? All the photos on here seem really good, it takes me about an hour to get one that isnt blurred. So here are some pic's that arn't very good quality but there the best that ive got so far!




Gender fairy strikes again!!! She is cute as a he or a she anyway! I love the picture of her on top of the house.
27th June 2007

This weeks been really wierd. This morning it was really stormy and now its sunny. Anyway I thought id show yousome random photos today, as always there not the best of quality.

First Day home... (6 weeks old)


House proud..


I could fit through here yesterday I swear!...


29th June

Is it just me or do you all buy/ or have bought baby products for your rabbit? I bought a baby blanket for Bracon today, it was only £3 and its really big and soft. I felt a bit of an idiot in the shop when the woman started talking to me:

So is it your baby?= yeh

Aw so is it a boy or girl?=a girl

And how old is she?=9weeks

You meen months?=no weeks, oh did I not tell you its a rabbit?

I swear down the whole shop stopped what they were doing and stared at me lol.

She loves it! And was only in it about 5 minutes before she fell asleep...





I really love that log cabin. How big is it? I found it on the Pets at Home site, but I want to see if I can find in in the U.S. Does it have a brand name on it?
Erm... *think think!*

I really can't remember the name or anything. Does it not tell you on the website? If not tell me, i'l probably be going in Pets @ Home this week so i'l look for you.
Bracon is so precious! I love that last pic with his feetsies out on the towel, how cute!

That's funny about that woman, some people!

I love that log cabin too, it's neat!

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