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Wow every one loves the cabin! As most my know I finally got a camera yesterday, so that meens I cant complain about the quality anymore. So heres more pics:




So yep there they are, I think you'll all agree that there much better than most of the other ones.
wow he is getting sooo big now

I too also love the log cabin

If I had room to put it I would get it

is it safe for him to chew on?

cause I know my cocoa would go nutz!!
3 July 2007

The weather really dosen't seem to be changing here, and were supposed to be in summer now, bloody global warming! I brought Bracon up to my bedroom for the first time today and she was going crazy, she loved it! Although she did make a bit of a mess and I have large nibble marks out of most of my books but how can you be mad at a rabbit?:D

As you probably know I'd really like to send back my "old" hutch and buy a bigger one. I recieved an email from Pets @ Home today were I bought it from but it dosen't look promicing. Besides, a door should last more than 2months souldnt it?

*Caught in the Act*...


*Eating.... again...*


*You can't catch me!*


Waahoo! You got a new camera :biggrin2:, I'll get to see heaps and heaps and heaps of pics of Bracon now :inlove:. It's really neat how he looks like Sakura, even down to the expressions on his face. A match made in heaven .
6 July 2007

After weeks and weeks of moaning I finally got a bigger hutch. Although pets @ home wernt going to give us a refund they finally gave up in the end. So Ive got some pics of it [ if you havnt already seen it before], and a random video, its not very interesting, it was more to see if I could upload it onto my computer.




Sorry I dunno how you load the video onto the forum? So ive put a hyperlink insted:)

Bracon is a total love! Your pics w/ the new camera are great...and I loved the video. It's fun to see how much your little girl has grown.

I agree with everyone else that the log cabin is a must-have. I'll have to see if I can find it anywhere, my bunnies insist that they need one (I must stop letting them logon to RO and read blogs :biggrin2:). Anyway, I think that the pic of Bracon on top of her cabin could be used in an ad for them...she's quite the model.

Looking forward to more updates soon. Hope the weather is getting better for you. We've had a bit of rain here lately...sigh!
OH boy! I think Bracon is so cute!! She looks adorable in front of her little house/hut!! She's so tiny!!
Bracon's so beautiful! If I were in the UK, she'd be on my bunny-napping list for sure. :)

I just wanted to let you know that the people in the states who Make Cocoa's hutch sent us a free door becausehe has also chewed through to the screws as well.

we got the whole front pannell.

they are making a new modle because they have had to send out lots of doors for the same reason for FREE!

I hope on thje new modle they take our advice & put a medal strip over the part of the wood where the bunnies chew cause depending on how soon cocoa chews his way through this door we will have to go out & get him a new hutch and for what we paided for this hutch it should last longer than 1 year If that


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