Today's dating matchup is Storm (neutered 1.5y/o broken black gold-and silver-tipped steel French lop) and Iris ( spayed 8m/o broken orange helicopter mix).
They've been living as close neighbours for a month now, and Iris' spay was also more than a month ago and since i have no more super busy periods coming up, i thought it would be a great idea to start their dating process.
I'm using the most neutral territory i can get my hands on, which is a ~ 3*4m toiletroom. The last rabbits to briefly inhabit this room were Lümi and Storm during their bonding last August.
I'm attempting sessions about 1-2hrs long.
They're doing great for the first 20 minutes. I've seen one nose touch and a small nip by Storm, which recieved no retort. I've seen both grooming at the same time, although from the opposite corners. They've briefly munched from two piles of hay as well.
It seems to be a smoother than expected bonding. We'll have to see. Thumbs up!
They've been living as close neighbours for a month now, and Iris' spay was also more than a month ago and since i have no more super busy periods coming up, i thought it would be a great idea to start their dating process.
I'm using the most neutral territory i can get my hands on, which is a ~ 3*4m toiletroom. The last rabbits to briefly inhabit this room were Lümi and Storm during their bonding last August.
I'm attempting sessions about 1-2hrs long.
They're doing great for the first 20 minutes. I've seen one nose touch and a small nip by Storm, which recieved no retort. I've seen both grooming at the same time, although from the opposite corners. They've briefly munched from two piles of hay as well.
It seems to be a smoother than expected bonding. We'll have to see. Thumbs up!