Retired Moderator
When I got Abby, I found out that she hadbasically been bonded with Thumper (the bunny she used to livewith). They just didn't share a cage, but spent all their outof cage time together. I felt bad for her and was thinkingmaybe one of my girls would take to her. I had hopes forLily, but man did she prove me wrong. She HATES all the othergirls. Tonight, Abby was having play time and she snuggled upto Basil's cage. Basil was sitting there grooming Abbythrough the cage bars. It was too cute. When Ifirst got Basil, I thought she had a bad attitude with the other buns,but it turns out it was Daisy who had the attitude so Basil never stooda chance (Daisy has eyes only for Sage). I'm wondering ifthese two could be buddies. Basil really loved Orion andSaphy, but they are boys and had to go and hit bunny puberty, so shedoesn't get to play with them anymore. Abby is trying herbest to warm up to all the buns, she chins and chins their nosesthrough the cages. No one minds this except Lily, the evilbrat, she made noises tonight that I didn't know rabbits couldmake. LOL
I just want to know if anyone has successfully bondedintactfemales? They both will be spayed soon, but aren't yet.
I just want to know if anyone has successfully bondedintactfemales? They both will be spayed soon, but aren't yet.