@daisyandparsley7 - how is the bonding going? Have your buns worked out their issues?
I just found your thread and I did a double take as I have a boy chinchilla and a girl (mix) dutch, who look very similar to your buns. We adopted him first from the local animal shelter and had time to bond with him; he is the sweetest rabbit. We had one pet rabbit previously, who died last summer. We weren't planning to adopt two rabbits, but when we adopted him from the animal shelter, the local rabbit rescue volunteers were there at the shelter and convinced us that our bun would be happier with a rabbit friend. We didn't realize how finding a bunny companion is really such an art! We ended up adopting the dutch mix from the rabbit rescue after a couple of "speed dates". We made a quick decision as the girl bun's foster parents were moving out of state and the rabbit rescue was going to send her to a another rescue.
The rabbit rescue president thought that based on the buns' interactions (they seemed comfortable with each other in that they sat nearby with no interaction, but just groomed themselves) that we could do the fast bonding. We ended up putting them into an x-pen from day 1. There was some mounting attempts (by both buns), some chasing, but no biting or attacking. It wasn't instant love, but they tolerated each other until they worked out the dominance/submissive relationship. I thought she was the boss since she always presents for grooming, which he obliges, and she never grooms him. But, he is the one that chins her and occasionally will mount her and he always seems to eat first.
Anyway, hang in there. I'm glad we adopted the two (even though she's still not all that friendly with us - it's getting incrementally better); our boy bun is still the sweetie and seems happy with his gal pal. When they sleep or when he grooms her, it's the cutest thing ever.
I've attempted to upload a couple of photos of the happy couple. Hope to see some new ones of your buns sometime soon :sunshine: