Ok, Happy Friday everyone. I started bonding this evening right before midnight. The session went on for a solid 1.5 hours, I clocked it! It ended not because I was tired, but because I saw that Kirby had pretty much had it and he started to get really snippy with Penny.
In addition to all the other stuff I pointed out before, something somewhat exciting happened after I put them away.
After bonding ended and I put the buns back in their pens, I guess I forgot to close Kirby's door as he escaped and hopped around, having lots of fun. I petted him a ton, and he was all buttered up when I shooed him back into his pen. I went over to pet Penny but she took the opportunity to hop out of her pen. I pushed her pen over to form a trap against Kirby's pen so I could easily pick her up and put her back.... but when she got trapped...
She curiously stuck her nose through Kirby's cage and Kirby started to lick her nose. I mean, profusely! The other 2 times he licked her was just a quick couple of licks. This was really grooming her, getting down and dirty on her nose. He groomed around her eye and he did the top of her head too. He started to get too rough (but he was still clearly grooming her, not trying to hurt her). I kept telling him "Kirby, not so rough" but of course he didn't understand... Penny got nervous or perhaps he hurt her and she got up and shook it off. I petted her on the head a couple times and she sat back down. I nudged her body over against the cage. Kirby groomed her cheek, then licked around her body too. She sat there silently for the whole thing. Kirby eventually stopped, stared at her (got no reaction from her), and then he hopped away.
I guess he's kinda "throwing the ball in her court". I know my Kirby, and he wants to be loved. I've never seen him be a "giver" with me, but he seems to give it up for her. I think she does need to show him some kind of affection or he'll continue to snub her :twitch: It doesn't have to be grooming, but when he sticks his head under her, she might just... stay there and let him be tucked beneath her? I don't know... but certainly, doing nothing, has gotten her bonked over the head every time.