bonded pairs?

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Dec 11, 2018
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Snohomish, WA
I have two bonded pairs that I have always kept in separate areas (each pair has it's own living space). I was wondering if I can put them together? Does anyone have two bonded pairs living together in one large area? Has anyone ever tried this? I certainly don't want to break the bond between either pairs, and have never even thought about putting them together. But, recently I started wondering if they could all just live together in one area. I have many concerns about this so I am wondering if anyone has had any success with this? Any feedback is welcomed.
Personally I have only bonded two bunnies but there are some videos on YouTube that can help you.

hope this helps!
I'd be very hesitant to attempt it as there is always a very real possibility that it will disrupt the existing bonds. Pairs are actually considered ideal.

So many possible outcomes: all 4 will get along, only 3 will get along leaving one alone, the bond of all is disrupted by the presence of the others and none get along, a mix up of pairings - possibly with only one pair remaining that get along....
thank you for information. Blue eyes, you listed all my fears and you are a good voice of reason!! I think I will stop wondering and leave well enough alone. They are all happy as is and I don't want to mess with that. Was just secretly hoping I guess. thanks for the help everyone.
I also have plans on bonding bonded pairs into a larger group and I keep delaying until I am ready. There are risks but also I am having lots of experience bonding and rebonding this yeas and what I've learned that even if first bonding was unsuccessful you can break it and keep them separately for another month or so, then they forget each other and you can try again. I don't say it will work 100% with all rabbits but it worked for me on a few occasions.
In your situation I would hesitate advising anything because you know your rabbits and you can just use your intuition, it all depends on their personalities it can be very good or can be fail. If it is fail, you were trying short sessions with supervising and all and you see how it goes, (but make sure you read them and separate BEFORE any major conflict) and if there's any problems with already established pairs (again, you know your rabbits best and you have to watch them and read them), you can separate all four and keep in isolation for a month or two, no see no smell, and try again with all four new rabbits they should forget each other by then. Maybe more time, it all depends.
But it is risky, so only you can decide. From my experience it works but I can't guarantee that it will work for you and I also can't guarantee that it will work for me 100% in the future. So this is your decision and pretty big decision. Anyway you go please share your updates with us

P.S. I refuse any responsibility if you decide to follow, so please don't blame me after!
^ I was advised to try the separation thing before also. Unfortunately, it still didn't work. But I had a particularly stubborn girl! She rejected 2 other males before accepting a 3rd.

It was a rescue who advised this and apparently it can work, just not guaranteed (as @zuppa said).
^ I was advised to try the separation thing before also. Unfortunately, it still didn't work. But I had a particularly stubborn girl! She rejected 2 other males before accepting a 3rd.

It was a rescue who advised this and apparently it can work, just not guaranteed (as @zuppa said).
It's good to hear that rescues knew this trick already I was pretty sure I invented it myself ๐Ÿ™ƒ

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