blood on Carrot's bottom, vet not in until tomorrow (RIP)

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Thank you. I am going to get another. Waiting on pics of a little girl lionhead mix that is just ready to leave mom. I know there will never be another Carrot, but I miss having a bun and I know he would want another to be loved like he was. Tomorrow is a week and not a night has passed that I have not gone in and just sat and looked at his cage and cried. I miss him.......
You did everything you could for Carrot throughout his life and yes, he knew it and felt all the love from you and your family.

That having Carrot has lead you to feel that having another bun when ever the time is right is what you want, is a tribute toCarrot and your relationship with him. He showed you how wonderful rabbits can be. You are right I'm sure in feeling he wouldwant youto welcome another rabbit into your heart and home when it feels rightto you.

You will never forget your "bunny boy". May you be able to smile at happy memories of him.

Jo xx
Thank you. I am still waiting on the pics, hopefully today they will show up in my email....sigh. I am still in the 'shock' feeling of it all. His ashes are in, so I will be picking them up next week. That is going to be very hard, but it will be good to have him back home again. Thank you again for your kind words. Carrot did teach me alot.

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