Thank you. Just got back from having a necropsy done. No blockage, no tumors. The blood was from a UTI, but everything else looked fine, including the fecal matter in his system. She said the fact he had started going pee outside of his box a little while ago (I had thought maybe he was not neutered and was beginning to 'spray') that would explain things (as far as the blood). In and of itself a UTI should not have killed him, but pain resulting from such most likely started GI Stasis and the end result was yesterday (although until yesterday, aside from his starting to sometimes go outside of his litter box, I never really saw any 'signs' something was wrong.) She said actually his insides and organs looked fantastic, that he was a very healthy looking bunny on the inside and this was just a very sad thing. Nothing definitive as far as what she saw to say 'this is what killed him', but with the history (and one thing I remember yesterday, he 'smelled' very urine smelling yesterday, something he never did. He was a very clean rabbit), it is most likely GI Stasis is what he died from.
Thank you for all the kind words and thoughts. Losing Carrot is very hard. I don't know if or when I will get another bun, although I am not saying I never will. Right now, it is too fresh and it hurts. I need to grieve my sweet bunny boy and will go from there.
One thing I do intend to do is read more. I had never heard of GI Stasis, and I can't say if I had it would have changed yesterday, but it is scary and what happened with Carrot (any signs were so subtle), I never want to go through that again. My heart will always ache for him, as I know he had to have been in pain. I wish they could just tell us when something is wrong.
Does anyone know if UTI's are a common thing in rabbits?