blood on Carrot's bottom, vet not in until tomorrow (RIP)

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Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2008
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Essex, , USA

Essex, MA

- Description (Breed, color., weight)

not sure (we found him almost two years ago), he is black and white (vet thinks he has lionhead in him), not sure of his weight

- Age

Again, not sure, but when we found him, vet thought he was a neutered male, around 6 mos old. It will be two years in November that we found him.

- spayed/neutered?


- Notes on Fecal and Urinary Output
- are the bunny's poops and pees normal?

They are formed and firm buthe just went and they arevery dark, possible black, and are 'wet'. I picked them up with a white napkin and did not see any blood in it, at least no red got on the napkin.
- When did they last use their litterbox?

Just a minute ago (I have him out on myscreened in porch, where he goes to get his exercise).
- Any unusual behavior?

He did not eat his carrot (he loves them, we get organic with the tops attached). And he overall seems to not want to eat.

- Medical History -- has s/he been to the vet or been sick before?

No, never sick, but when we first got him, I did take him in to be seen.

- Diet - what does your bunny eat?

Pellets, timothy hay, a carrot with tops attached a couple times a week. Apple sticks to chew on, some kale, and collard greens once or twice a week.
- when and what did s/he eat last?

Last time I saw him eat was Friday evening (had a birthday party yesterday, so did not see him yesterday, but the carrot was still in his cage from yesterday, only the top was eaten, very unusual for him.)

- movement - any unusual movements? Is s/he hopping normally?

Seems to be hopping fine.

- are there any plants, chocolate or other substances within reach?


- has the rabbit been outdoors?

No. But he chewed a piece of carpet about two weeks ago. I have not seen a problem in the past two weeks and would have expected to if it were going to be a problem. Could this be from that? My vet is not in until tomorrow. Can I give him anything today? Should I give him some pedialyte just in case? :cry2

Any ideas or suggestions is greatly appreciated!:cry1:

Btw, the amount of blood was small, and it was bright red, not dark, which I know if it is dark means internal bleeding, so I am thinking this is more towards the 'back end', so to speak.

I was just reading in the health section, and I believe I am seeing GI Stasis. I will get some pedialyte into him and give him some heat. I am wondering if I should pick up the gas-X (but if it is a blockage will that hurt?) Ugh, I wish it were tomorrow already!!!

I was just massaging Carrots belly (had him in my lap on his back) and he has a big lump in his belly, lower right side. It is about the size of a plum and hard. He reacts if I put pressure on it, so it is painful. I have Metacam, how much should I give him? I am going to try to email my vet and see if I can reach her. I also gave him four syringes of plain pedialyte, which he took with no problem. Please keep good thoughts for Carrot.
I would suggest NOT massaging him because currently we are unsure of the problem and do not know if massaging could cause a problem.

Does he have a particular treat you can tempt him with to see if he eats it?

How is he acting in himself?

Has he pooed at all?

When you say it is blood, is it possible it was red wee which is normal and healthy (especially for a rabbit eating carrot)?
pappy1264 wrote:
I was just massaging Carrots belly (had him in my lap on his back) and he has a big lump in his belly, lower right side. It is about the size of a plum and hard. He reacts if I put pressure on it, so it is painful. I have Metacam, how much should I give him? I am going to try to email my vet and see if I can reach her. I also gave him four syringes of plain pedialyte, which he took with no problem. Please keep good thoughts for Carrot.
I think this means he needs a rabbit savvy vet ASAP.
He just died in my arms!! OMG......I can't believe this. I want to have a necropsy done to find out what happened. I need to know if that lump is a blockage or a tumor. I never felt it before, but he did not like to be put on his back. I am so sad. My poor kids, they just went swimming. My son is autistic and he LOVES this bunny. I can't believe he just died. I changed his litter box this morning, and his poop looked normal to me (not small).

Thank you for trying to help. Please say a prayer for my sweet baby Carrot.
I'm so sorry. So very truly sorry.

That's so very tragic. If having a necropsy done will help you get some closure and understanding then I think it's a good thing to do, at least then you will know for sure.

The fact he was in your arms, however horrible for you, will have been a great comfort to him and will have meant he died surrounded by love which, in my eyes, if the best way to go.

Maybe think about making a thread in Rainbow Bridge for Carrot, and if you do get a necropsy done and feel able to share the results that is something we too would probably like to know.

Binky Free Carrot.
Thank you. I will try to do that later, right now, I can't put him down. I know I have to get him in the fridge, but I can't just yet. I am glad he did not die alone, as well. I looked into him eyes and told him I loved him with all my heart. I just can't believe my baby is gone......

Interestingly, I handraised a wild cottontail and he is ready to be released. I will go from two bunnies to none. I never intended to even have a bunny. My dogs found him (carrot) in our yard. I have had bunnies in the past, but none were ever like Carrot. He was the most loving, sweet bunny I have ever met. I just don't understand what happened. And I need to try to find out, even though I know it won't change anything. God, I hate this.
I am so very sorry for your loss. I had read this thread but had no experience with any of it so I didn't post.... I am now very sorry to read this..
RIP carrot
Thank you. I'm glad he was not alone, that I didn't just find him passed already in his cage. But I feel awful if I missed something and he died because of it. I have been watching him the last two weeks for signs of a problem (from the chewing of the carpet) but I did not see anything until today.
I think it's important to realise that all anyone can do is the best with the knowledge they have, and that is what you did. You did absolutely the best you could with the knowledge you had.

Rabbits hide their illness very well and if this was a long term thing, this is what he did, but it could easily be acute and there could have been no warning signs.

The important thing was that you did you best for him and tried your hardest. What else can you do?

If you will use the necropsy to potentially beat yourself up with if it comes back as a long term issue then is it sensible to do that? We all have to do what we think is best when we grieve and this is very fresh, but try not to make it worse for yourself than it already is.
I know, I just have to know. It won't change anything, and I feel guilty already. He chewed a piece of carpet, which he had never done in the two years we had him. I was watching him to see if there were any 'signs' it was a problem (again I did not see him do it, but no one else here would have done it. Yes, we have dogs, but they are not chewers). I just am trying to brace myself for telling my children, esp. my autistic son....Carrot slept in his room with him, he took him out every day, gave him a treat before going to bed.......they were best buddies. How do I explain it to him, when I can't explain it to myself? Wow, it hurts.
I'm so sorry.

Be gentle with yourself. If you feel it will help then go with it because that's all you can do when you are grieving.

It's not going to be an easy conversation for any of you. I have no advice on how to tell your children, but I'm hoping if you read through the links stickied in the top of the Rainbow Bridge forum that that might help. I believe there are story books about death that can be used to back up explanations to young children and children special needs. That won't help with the initial conversation but might help with understanding.
They have been through a loved and cherished pet dying, but they were 'sick' for a while so it was expected. This is their first 'sudden' death and I know they will feel guilty they were not here to say goodbye......ugh.

Thank you.
Try to remember that guilt is a normal part of grief. Maybe you can all work through your guilt together because none of it is warranted.
Even if I didn't bring him to the vets after he ate the carpet? He NEVER chewed anything (it was almost a joke we had the only bunny that didn't like to chew things) and then to see that piece of carpet. I have lots of animals and know it is instinctive for them to hide illness, but I can't believe I didn't see anything until today. I guess I am just angry at myself, that somehow I could have prevented this....(I know, that is normal, too. Been down the road of loss before and it never gets any easier...)
Yes, even though you didn't take him to the vets.

We get threads here ALL the time about my rabbit has eaten this, that and the other, what do I do? And about 95% of the time ther rabbit has no problem after and shows no signs.

I have a trio, called the Swarming, and they always manage to get into and eat things they shouldn't, plants, polystyrene (!!!!!), carpet, fleece, laptop back material. And we have never had a problem with them.

If this is down to carpet then it is a fluke and incredibly unfortunate and tragic.
That is why I need to know. He has a big lump and I need to know if this was from the carpet or if that is a tumor. I know it won't bring him back, but for me, it will drive me crazy until I know. Plus my kids will want to know. They should be home soon. I have to get him in the fridge, but want to give them a chance to say goodbye before I do. This is just awful. Thank you so much. I won't say I didn't know how much I loved him because we always said how much we loved him and what a great bunny he was. We found him and we said even if someone offered to buy him, we would never sell him. He was truly amazing......
He truly was a lucky guy to have been loved so much. A very lucky guy.
I would just like to remind you that many times rabbits will try to hide their illness - so it is possible he was hiding this from you as much as he could. Its just in their nature to do that.

It sounds like he had a wonderful life with y'all and knew he was very loved.
Thank you. Yes, we spoiled him every chance we got! He 'house' was referred to as 'the bunny mansion' We got one of those three story cat cages, and made our our shelves and ramps, so he has three stories to play around. He had at ton of toys and ate the best foods (only organic for our boy). He loved everyone, including the dogs (and they loved him too). If he was in the cage, and you went over to it, he would run over to where you were standing and rub his face on the bars, so you would pet him. I just can't believe he is gone.....

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