Blog for the Bun-Buns!

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<<<Kellys boyfriend here...

Good morning. so i got a wake up call this morning from sammie, and well it made me almost scream like a little girl..
I was sound asleep when i heard some ruffling around in the room. I didnt think anything of it because of regi now on my side of the room and all. well i went back to bed.. then i heard phweeeeeeeppp! thats when i woke up. IT SCARED ME! I looked over at his cage, and saw him laying in his cage looking up at the top of the cage, and who is there but SAMMIE... sammie somehow got on my bed that she never gets on and jumped onto regis cage and was flat as a pancake just laying there looking at me. CREEEPY..

THATS my exciting tale i wanted to share with you all ... k thanks bye
Wow... really creepy....:twitch:

Wonder what in the world would have possessed Sammi to do such a thing. Maybe the pig cage should be placed on the floor for a bit for her it investigate it and put an end to her curiosity. I think I would have had a heart attack if I saw a bunner on top of my pig cage.

Is Mr Regiford okay? Was he creeped out as well? Who needs human kids, when fur-kids put us through our paces just as well....

<<<<Kellys boyfriend again..

Yeawho need kids right!?

Yea it wasnt the GOOD MORNING i was hoping for but it sure got me up right away...
Regiford is doing alright i gave them all there hay so maybe i can actually study.. its not easy to study or to SLEEP for that matter when you have Toby, sammie and now regi all nomming at the exact same time... i have it in surround sound! oo and its even better when kelly gets into to.. but i enjoy it for the most part.. except on mornings like todays when your heart jumps out of u. :pinkbouce:<<thats my heart jumping out!

k thanks bye
Now it's Kelly :) I don't know why Will didn't post under HIS account (wbeaudry4), but he didn't. :p

I just heard of this awesome tale. I can't believe little miss Sammi jumped up there! She has NEVER EVER gone up on our bed. When we put her up there, she jumps off right away. I think Sammi likes Regiford (or at least is extremely curious of him). Yesterday, we let Regiford run around the bedroom floor by Sammi's cage. She had this look of horror/curiosity on her little face. I think she was just doing some follow-up work today! I will be putting a towel up there in case she decides to go back up there (I don't want Regiford on the floor in fear of Will kicking it by accident).
issyorabbit wrote:
there both so cute!!! do they like each other? i mean as a friend.:bunnydance::bunnydance::pinkbouce:
Toby and Sammi are not quite bonded yet. They seem to like each other when they are in their respective pens, but once out, they fight. Since we haven't had a bunny date in awhile, and they're grooming each other through the bars, we may have made some progress. Only time will tell! :D
OK, yesterday was weird. It started out normal; I went to work, had a fairly uneventful, if not slow, day. I get a call at 2:00pm at work from Will. He has to go over to Mary and Meredith's house (they are our roommate's parents and our personal friends) because Meredith crashed the car... into his porch. Actually, he ran inside quick, with the car off, to get something. He forgot to put the parking brake on, and the car is a manual transmission. It started rolling down the slight (extremely slight) incline, then crashed over a three foot drop into the garden, then halfway over another three foot drop onto the patio. The car took out a support to their upstairs deck.

Well, I got off of work at 2:30pm, so I meandered on over to see what happened. I won't even say anymore, but the pictures say it all! :)

So, Will, Sean (our roommate), and Meredith (Sean's dad) created this rediculous jury-rigged ramp out of wood for the car to roll down. The frame of the car was caught on the concrete retaining wall. It took a few hours, but they did eventually get it down. The car still works and everything, minus some body work and a broken bumper.

In the middle of the car fiasco, we heard that Sean's brother, Tim, shot a nice 8-point buck while bow hunting. I will enclose a picture link of that, too. It made the day even weirder. When we saw it, they had already removed the head to have mounted, and the hide was gone, too. So, they had this huge deer hanging upside down in the garage and were cutting the fat off of it so they could get the meat for grinding. Very surreal!

Anyways, here are the pictures!

The view from the driveway (looking downhill):

Side view:

Front view:

With the blocks in place:

WARNING! The link for the picture of the deer is below. Please keep in mind, it was already beheaded, its skin taken off, and they were starting to process it. It would be considered graphic to some. (Also, if you choose to look at it, that is your choice. Don't tell me I'm sick for posting it, because you're the one who looked after the warning)

HERE is the link for the picture of the deer. The guy bending over is Sean's brother. He's about 6'2" tall. It was a BIG deer (keep in mind, they had already taken a lot of fat and some meat off of it by the time I got there).

Oh, and a random picture of Regiford with lettuce on his head!

LOL Mr. Regiford looks so funny! had a picture of a bun with a cinnamon bun on his head. Poor bun-bun. What's with the small cute animals with edibles on their noggins looking so cute?

My gosh I can't believe how that car just rolled its way in like that! Caused you guys a lot of work! Bravo for all that in so little time. I didn't look at the deer pic. I think I like my images of deer in one piece :)

Oh, btw Kelly, I got the buns costumes at Target. $8.50 on sale! Now the tricky part is getting them to wear them.....
myheart wrote:
Poor Mr. Regiford.... being made to wear hats of vegetable-matter already... ;)
Well, he has been here for a WHEEK! :p

kirbyultra wrote:
What's with the small cute animals with edibles on their noggins looking so cute?
I don't know... but the classic is the bunny with the pancake on its head. :)

Oh, btw Kelly, I got the buns costumes at Target. $8.50 on sale! Now the tricky part is getting them to wear them.....
You might want to update your life insurance policy and get better health insurance. ;) Sometimes they kick like the devil!
kherrmann3 wrote:
myheart wrote:
Poor Mr. Regiford.... being made to wear hats of vegetable-matter already... ;)
Well, he has been here for a WHEEK! :p

:roflmao: Just too funny.....

I suppose I should set my best efforts to try to save the little tyke from further humiliation. What time and day should I pickMr Regifordup?
We made cupcakes tonight! They are little spiders! They are made from devil's food cake with chocolate frosting and sprinkles, then the eyes are made of marshmallows and Reese's Pieces. The nose is also a Reese's Piece, and the little legs are made from pulled apart Twizzler's Pull & Peel. :)

OOHHH That looks yummy. Can you send me one?? Still got my address??? lol.

kherrmann3 wrote:
We made cupcakes tonight! They are little spiders! They are made from devil's food cake with chocolate frosting and sprinkles, then the eyes are made of marshmallows and Reese's Pieces. The nose is also a Reese's Piece, and the little legs are made from pulled apart Twizzler's Pull & Peel. :)

The cupcake is so spidery! I am so scared of spiders though, and with those big peanutbuttery eyes I'm not sure I could eat such a thing;) good work!
Elf Mommy wrote:
How did you get the Reeses to stick on the marshmallows?
I used frosting in a decorating bag to put a little drop on the marshmallow, then squished the Reese's onto the frosting! :)

Elf Mommy wrote:
Oh....and the plate is PERFECT! It looks like the lines are part of a web :D
Those are our normal dishware. ;) lol

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