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Live Trap Diaries: Days 1 & 2.

We borrowed the live trap from Julie again. There are kitties around here... again. There is a gray one (with a collar) that likes to hunt my songbirds and chippies. That's not going to happen. Then, there is a ginger-colored cat (orange tabby) that is hanging around in our apartment parking lot. The orange one is friendly (until you pick it up). It's also declawed in the front. We hope to catch it before it gets freezing cold outside (actually, we want to catch both). The gray one is going to the Humane Society (tags or no tags) so its owners have to bail it out. Maybe they will think twice before letting it out to eat my birdies...

October 1 - We caught not one, but TWO, large raccoons... At the same time! I don't know how they both fit in there, but there were two, full-grown raccoons squished in the trap together. *sigh* They were released.

October 2 - We caught one very angry raccoon. He was released quicker than the other two were. ;)
kherrmann3 wrote:
Live Trap Diaries: Days 1 & 2.

October 2 - We caught one very angry raccoon. He was released quicker than the other two were. ;)

lol Silly coons. Smart kitties!
Sorry it has been so long since an update! So, without further ado, here is my mini-update (with pictures!).

Toby is doing well. Right now, he is out in the bedroom for scamper time. He has been binkying up a storm for about 30 minutes. He's starting to get major "cactus butt" from molting. Other than that, he's OK.

Sammi has been doing well, too. She is getting more personable. She likes to have Will pet her. She is warming up to me, too! Toby was grooming her earlier tonight (through the NIC grids). Don't worry, I have pictures. ;)

Our newest edition to the family is Regiford the guinea pig. We just picked him up today. He's my birthday present from Will. :) We adopted him from HAWS (the local humane society). He is about 3 years old and neutered.

Here come the pictures!

Toby grooming Sammi:

Zoomin' in on the groomin'!

I have two little beggars in the apartment!

Note: Her forehead fur is messed up from Toby grooming it.

Here is Mr. Regiford, the guinea pig.


Aw, Toby is so sweet to groom Sammi. How are they getting on with bonding?

Mr. Regiford is a cutie. Very handsome! Does he have a first name?
There is still some hope to bond Toby and Sammi!!! :biggrin2:Yeah!!! Sammi looks so melty in the pics, such a good sign.

Woot!!! Piggie fever is catching on!!!! Welcome fellow fweeeeper!!!

Since your little guy is neutered, are you getting a little girlfriend for him?!!!!! Yup, I knew it... I can't wait to see her having as much fun as Mr. Regiford is!!! "Why yes, Mr and Mrs Regiford, we do have salad tonight." How exciting!!!! :biggrin2::p

Mr. Regiford's name is just Regiford. Nothing exciting (it's the name he came with). I guess we could call him Reggie or Ford. I am partial to Ford (Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy). I don't think we will be getting him a friend. Will was very firm on saying there would only be one. :( I wish I could have a little piggie pal for him.

I don't think we have the room or resources for another, though. Now, our bedroom walls (going clockwise) consists of the door to the hallway, laundry hamper, closet door, , Sammi's pen, bunny supply cart, Toby's pen + corner TV stand, , window, guinea pig cage, , full-sized bed, nightstand, and back to the door. It's a full house!
kherrmann3 wrote:
I don't think we will be getting him a friend. Will was very firm on saying there would only be one. :( I wish I could have a little piggie pal for him.
Will does know that piggies are just as social as bunnies are, right? ;)
myheart wrote:
Woot!!! Piggie fever is catching on!!!! Welcome fellow fweeeeper!!!
I have some questions for you, oh fweepy one... How often do you clean the piggie cages? How much run time do they need? How much vitamin C do they need? I ordered some vitamin c tablets for him, and he gets a slice of orange in the PM. He also will be getting his nightly salad along with the bunnies. Anything else I need to know?

(He has a "moolap"... hehe, little fat fweeper!)
kherrmann3 wrote:
myheart wrote:
Woot!!! Piggie fever is catching on!!!! Welcome fellow fweeeeper!!!
I have some questions for you, oh fweepy one... How often do you clean the piggie cages? How much run time do they need? How much vitamin C do they need? I ordered some vitamin c tablets for him, and he gets a slice of orange in the PM. He also will be getting his nightly salad along with the bunnies. Anything else I need to know?

(He has a "moolap"... hehe, little fat fweeper!)

I am by no means an authority on piggies, so take my information with a grain of salt and check out the guinealynx site also for better information.

I clean the pig cage everyday with a thorough cleaning once a week. I use a small cat scoop tosift out the wet stuff and the saw-dust (I use wood pellets). I usually let my boys out for about three hours a day.That is when they get their noon salad also. I give them the top part of a kennel cab and their igloo for some nap-time when they get tired of eating and popcorning. :D (you should have seen Victor today... he was just so full of himself today that he was just a riot to watch) Not sure about the exact amount of vitamin C.I feed the boy Oxbow Cavie Cuisine because they formulateit specifically with some C in it. They also get their fruits everyday. I must be doing something right, because they look pretty fat and happy to me...

I also love to cuddle the piggies. It either makes them so mad that they talk up a storm to me, or they settle into it and get all sleepy-face. Oh, and watch out for toenails, especially if you let him hop out of your hands to the ground or into the cage.... Talk about sharp!!! And it's fun to feed them big blueberries because then I get to see their lips...smmmooooch!!! Talk about cute lips..!!!

Can't think of anything else right now, but if I do I will let you know.

Hehe, Regiford isn't much of a talker. He kind of mini-fweeps/mumbles to himself when I pet him. He has an icky, sweet/sour smell to him. I hope that it is just from him being at the shelter. I will have to clean out his cage more often. I was going to do it every other day, which I might be able to get away with as long as the bedroom window is cracked for circulation.

Will knows they are social, but since we have a lack of space, only one piggy will be around for now. He lives in Toby's old cage. It's not too big, but I will be making some short shelves and getting more for him to scamper around on. Being that I just got him, he's kind of going along with the bare minimum! He has an igloo, a short coffee mug with pellets in it (until my mail-order food bowl comes in), a water bottle, a toy with a bell, and some TP tubes. I ordered him some stuff that should come in later this week.
Update on me! I had my phlebotomy class this Monday, and I did very well! I haven't even felt woozy since that incident two weeks ago. I've been just fine! :) I even did two venipunctures on people (needle sticks in the arm to draw blood). I even got my blood drawn. She did well, and I hardly freaked out at all! ;) What's really weird is getting to play around with tubes of your own blood. It's cool!
kherrmann3 wrote:
...I ordered him some stuff that should come in later this week.

Let me know how he likes the new toys... Might want to investigate getting some for my kids also. I also gave the piggies some apple sticks and pinecones for munching on to keep teeth short. You might be able to get away with every-other-day cleaning because you only have one. My guys get the corners filled up too quickly to let the cleaning go any longer.

Good job with the needle sticks. :DI forgot to mention that your advice on how to hold the needle really helped with giving Luna fluids every day. Sometimes I was just so beside myself on doing it, that I cried somuch about sticking her so many times to get it right.

myheart wrote:
Good job with the needle sticks. :DI forgot to mention that your advice on how to hold the needle really helped with giving Luna fluids every day. Sometimes I was just so beside myself on doing it, that I cried somuch about sticking her so many times to get it right.
I'm glad that my advice helped. Sorry it was a little late in the game, though. :( I wish I lived closer to you, I would have helped you with the sub-Q's (I'm good at them after doing Toby's).
kherrmann3 wrote:
myheart wrote:
Good job with the needle sticks. :DI forgot to mention that your advice on how to hold the needle really helped with giving Luna fluids every day. Sometimes I was just so beside myself on doing it, that I cried somuch about sticking her so many times to get it right.
I'm glad that my advice helped. Sorry it was a little late in the game, though. :( I wish I lived closer to you, I would have helped you with the sub-Q's (I'm good at them after doing Toby's).

I think the only help I would have needed would have been on the "bad stick days." Luna and I had our good days when everything went perfectly. But the bad days were bad.... Too many sticks, no flow in the line, Lunabecame fussy, I ended up in tears because I wasn't officailly trained to give fluids, nor did either of us think it was fair.... :( It's all over now, and I learned something that I thought I would never ever do in my lifetime. I would be more prepared if I ever needed to do fluids again, but let's hope that never happens....

Congrats on your birthday boy!:muscleman:

K, should you need a large white piggie cage, we has an extra. It will be compacted for Big Trash Pick-up as we have another extra... (one truly needs a home) Downfall though, it has top openings. Betcha Toby's retired unit has a front opening which is much easier to remove Regiford. He's a cutie. Hoo-hoo. I've heard about piggie's popcorning... Kiss yer fweeper (when Will's not around).

Congrats on the phlebotomy accomplishments! :highfive:

On a raccoon note, I hope they back off in visiting 'round your porch. Two in the trap at once was incredulous. We've got turkey meatballs and meat-type stuff in the freezer collected ice crusties, un-used; no need to buy certain items if you need things for the feral foragers.

Groommee pics of Toby and Sammi :D:D

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