bleeding bunny

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Well-Known Member
Jul 30, 2008
Reaction score
Auckland, , New Zealand
Hiy peeps, a new member has found a bunny that is bleeding in teh vaginal area. She dnt know hwats wrong with it and she needs your help here is her name thing Only1Balto if anyone can help her pleae send a PM and go on chat at the moment she's on i really wish i cud help but i gotta goo i havea computer limit time now.. =[

Please help.
Found her sitting outside in the middle of my driveway. I don't believe shes wild. She doesn't look it. She looks like you'd find her in the pet store. She was very sweet- came right up to me after a few minutes.
If she's an older bunny, it could be uterine tumors (not necessarily cancer), and getting her spayed will solve that problem.

How heavy is the blood flow?

Hi all- I dropped her off at the Humane Society today- they'll do a check up (Which I think came out ok) give her a couple of shots and spade her. She'll be up for adoption next saturday.

They don't know anything about the bleeding yet- I'll ask the vet when I go to get her. They say I have a "10 day free vet check" I don't know if that means its free or what but I'll probably go to have her checked out as well. Thanks for your remarks and check ups. I posted on the Vbulliten "larger rabbit forum" and got no response. What a jip. :grumpy:

Thanks again all. You guys are the best.
Thanks for the update.

I think you did the best for her.
They may find out what the bleeding was when they spay her.

So, it sounds like you may be adopting her if all is well?
Rest assured that you've already improved her chances for a better life.
And you've already gone a few steps further than some would have.

I doubt she would have survived very long in the wild on her own.

Keep us updated.

We'll be keeping both of you in our thoughts and prayers.
Is the Humane Society rabbit savvy? I don't know what they mean by a 'couple of shots', I'd be more comfortable knowing what they are I guess.

I'm sorry I couldn't stick around last night to direct you to a rescue, but hopefully they work with a rabbit rescue and/or has a good handle on rabbits. They must get enough of them in that area.

Please keep us updated!

Pipp wrote:
Is the Humane Society rabbit savvy?

I checked out the San Diego HS website and it looks like they have a lot of exotics...rats, mice, gp, rabbits.
They even have a rabbit as a feature pet on their homepage.
Hopefully they're savvy with all.
Well I didn't talk to the vet- It was just a worker. I'll find out more about the shotswhen I go to see her.

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