big problem picking buns up

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Well-Known Member
Dec 20, 2004
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I love my buns alot but I cannot pick themup. I have had jack since christmas and hetti since a coupleof week before easter.

I know they see me as prey and do not like heights and being picked up so most of the time I just meet them at their level.

However, this morning I had to pick hetti up as she was somewhere whereshe shouldnt have been. I picked her up and this was finewhile she was mid air but the second i brought her close to me shepanicked and now my shoulders are scratched to bits.

i have used the towel trick on Jack so they have cottoned onto that andrun at the first site of a towel. i noticed when we took them to thevets that they can trance them by putting them on their backs is therea safe way of doing this?
Hi Blackjack. I also have a problem withskittish rabbits. Daisy has actually injured herself at one point. Shecut her paw as she scratched it with the other while panicking. I havebumped up a post "rabbit trancing" for you. I have never tranced minebut its worth a try.

Hi black jack, the best way to handle your buns (in my opinion is treats)

Do activities on the floor while they are loose. Read a magazine, abook, or whatever. When they get close pull out the treats. Try to getthem used to eating treats while you pet them. I think that helps tomake them realize you are not out to get them.

Trancing is also a good idea. But do it on the floor, they might jumpoff your hands. Slowly pet your buns for a while to calm them down.Cover their eyes. When you see that they are relaxed, place them slowlyon their back in your lap. Use a blanket or towel. Then start pettingfrom Nose to ears until their eyes are closed. If you get it, you willhave so much fun. It's hilarious.

Overall just try spending more playtime with your buns. Remember theywill see you as a predator until they get to know you really well.
i do do the whole time spending and treat thingwith them and hetti is a lot friendlier than she used to be its justwhen they are picked up they become mean buns bless em...will give itago but hetti has a huge problem with me covering her eyes xx
I have read about some buns that no matter what,just dont like to be picked up. They like the ground and that isperfectly normal. You know what you can try. Lola didnt like to bepicked up either. I mean, if you where that small would you like forsomeone to be constantly picking you up. Its scary!! Try picking themup with a blanket or towel. It kinda makes it harder for them to feellike your gonna drop them. Wrap em and get em. Try it!!!
I've basically given up on trying to pick up myrabbits unless it's time for nail clipping or major grooming, such aswe have to do with Chompers sometimes. They just don't like it, nomatter what I did, treats or towels or anything else. Not to mention itgot to the point where they'd run away from me when they saw me coming,because I was trying to "train" them to like being held.

It's enough for me now to sit on the floor with them and they lovebeing pet. Yes, I wish they were "lap rabbits", but it's just not goingto happen and I need to accept it.
We got Rosie about 6 weeks ago. She's a mature bunnie maybe a year old or so.

She was abandoned outside and then rescued by our very own Buck Jones ( Rosie says, "Hi Uncle Buck & Aunt Missus" )

Because of her ordeal she didn't trust anyone. She bonded and thenunbonded with my daughter for some reason and then just avoided everyone. If you opened her cage she would back herself into the corner inthe locked down position.

I have been spending time with her every night. Her cage is on thefloor so I just sit on the floor, open her cage, and let her come outwhen she's comfortable. After a few weeks she would come out as soon asI would open the cage, but would shoot back in if I tried to touch her.Gradually she started to accept brief ear or noserubs. everynight she gets more and more confident and comfortable. And last nightshe came out of her cage, climbed right into my lap, and laid down so Icould pet her. She stayed for about 15-20 minutes (my leg fell asleepbut I didn't want to move!!). She then climbed up my chest and nuzzledher head under my chin. I could tell that she was really happy becauseshe was squeaking when she sniffs just like S'more does. Happybunnie.....happier Daddy!!!

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