big fat surprisey for gypsy!!!!

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gypsy wrote:
good grief I had to doubletake I thought that was MY ( underline that word MY) Bubbers !!!! damn girl! she is lookingsoooooooooo much better !!!! what ever yourdoing keep it up !!!!!

You know I just noticedsomething and maybe its just me, It looks like to me anyways that theGoldens have a more rounded facewhere the Lynx have a sharper moredefined face . I was justcomparing Tank and Georgespictures and there is a bigdifference to the look of the face ? , Is it justme or is it noticable to everyone else ?
lol, gypsy, Bub's dewlappie isn't that big.:p

Your babies do seem to have sharper faces, and the goldens I've seenare all pretty round, like Bubber. Wonder what will happen when youcross lynx and golden?

I'm wondering what's up with these babies. It's been about two weekssince she came here. When she came, her nipples were tiny. Now they arehuge. She was certainly showing early. But I seem to remember that fromlast year too, at about2 or sowks....I hope a)she's not fooling us all somehow--which seems totally impossible--andb)that everything's ok. She seems fine! This whole business of thebreeder not knowing the due date is crazy.:?If I rememberright, last year we thought she was going to pop weeks before sheactually gave birth. I was shocked because Izzy never showed at all.

PGG, any type of maple is fine as far as I know. I feed them all amurand sugar maple, have never tried silver maple. But I can vouch forthose two at least.

Carolyn wrote:
You Rock for posting new pictures of our expectant momma, Rose.

She just gets more beautiful. :inlove: The closeup pictures of her aregorgeous. Love the first shot of the second series of pictures. Shelooks so beautiful.

Thank you. :hug:


You're welcome! I love watching the change in her attitudeinpictures. Unlike her son, who never sits still, Tank is actuallyphotographable.:pShe moveslike an ocean liner.

Rose : I wont be crossingthe Lynx and Golden untill IknowIF there is a Lynxing gene Presentin Tank, Im thinking theres no LynxingGene , from what I have beenreading , and have been told ByOther Breeders of Goldens The onlyway A Golden Gets the Lynx Geneis if it is purposly introduced . And as FreddydMomstated earlier Its just not done ,. Betterto keep the Goldens Golden and the LynxLynx. I have a Golden Buck ( sr ) and a GoldenDoe (8 weeks ) Coming sometimesthis week . so I will Have BothVarieties but off site . Andwill work with Them that way .
Gypsy: I've been reading too and I agree thatit's better to keep the 2 colors separate. I'm going to belooking for a Lynx buck to go with the doe I'm getting from you and aGolden doe to go with the buck from Tank. That way, I toowill have both colors. I'm really excited. I haveto join the Pal Co-Breeders Assoc and get that book!!

LOL Jen I know what youmean I have been skimpingpennies to get registered lol .I picked up my 2 Golden Babies today they are justthe most adorable ( shhhhhhhh dont tellGeorge this , he will feel slighted ) lol. both are 8 weeks come from differentmothers but havetoo much of thesame Liniage, It looks from the papers that theyhave been extensivelyLine Bred, and I wont do that,, I will wait forNew Blood and introduce it then . I willget Pictures tomorrow so Youcan see the new kids. they are adorable , and I was rightthere is a vast difference in the facesof the Lynx and Goldens .

Lynx are more narrow through the eyes andforhead with the nose peakingwhere as the Goldens havewide eye set and a broader forheadand rounder faces . There forcrossing them over would give areally weird looking face I bet.
That makes sense. Wow, didn't realize just HOWthe different face types could mess with the "look" you're going for ineach color.

Tank's doing fine, no babies though. Unless I'mhallucinating:p, I felt Panzer squiggling today. It was ahard head-like lump and it floated away from my fingers several times.If she's not having babies all I can say is that's one weird feelingthing.

I'm waitin' for those golden baby pics!!!:D


P.S. gypsy, Bub is growing. His ears are much longer than in myavatar, and are falling at the tips. So be warned, Tank may carryFlemish somewhere! I thoughtBub was done, but, ala Flemmy, hejust keeps going....

rabbitgirl wrote:
That makes sense. Wow, didn't realize just HOW the differentface types could mess with the "look" you're going for in each color.

Tank's doing fine, no babies though. Unless I'mhallucinating:p, I felt Panzer squiggling today. It was ahard head-like lump and it floated away from my fingers severaltimes. If she's not having babies all I can say is that's one weirdfeeling thing.

I'm waitin' for those golden baby pics!!!:D

oooooo!! you are SO SO SO bad teasing me like thatRose!!

yea...of the reading I have done, the only similarity between the twoare the size, arch of the back and bone mass...otherwise youcould swear they are two different breeds with their ownstandards!...maybe that is where it is eventually going to go?

heres something from that book I have about picking the picks of the litter based on color. (sorry its a lil long)

GOLDENS-noted golds "hold" their coats longer


all young are even gold color

10 -12/14 days

Golds will be lighter in color one-half way up the sides, over flanksand some around the facial area. with a richer gold over head, neck andto the tail.

14 weeks-16 weeks

color will begin to even out

16weeks - 6months

lighter streak over upper flank will start to dissapear



young will be a silvery/lilac coloring

7days - 12 weeks

lilac babies will now look a creamy beige

12 weeks - 4 months

Young already have the adult Lynx color present on certain parts oftheir bodies; inspect them. Look at the cheeks, ears and top of tail.If they all match and are a good medium color, you will have auniformed Lynx when matured.

4 1/2 - 6 months

Some yound will have scattered "white" hairs throughout their bodies.these so-called "white" hairs are actually light silver hairs. If allyour yound have the coloration on the top of their ears, top of tailsand cheeks; but have those scattered"white"hairs--do NOT meat these-- -- these will be your best coloredLynx when fully developed. Some Lynx at this time of development neverget scattered silver hairs; instead they have blotches or patches ofdarker lynx color. Some Lynx take as long as 9 months before theymature into a uniform color.
rabbitgirl wrote:
P.S. gypsy, Bub is growing. His ears are much longer than in myavatar, and are falling at the tips. So be warned, Tank may carryFlemish somewhere! I thoughtBub was done, but, ala Flemmy, hejust keeps going....
If he is going through a growth spurt, is it a possibility thatthe development of his cartilage just has to catch up and become moresupportive? How old is Bub BTW?
Thnaks for the Info FreddysMOM , awsome and something Iwouldnt have known !!!! Thank You so much, I was wondering about the color changes my Lynxwere going thru and this explains it perfectly

Rose , he may not be done growingas yet He a year old? I cantrememebr when he was born , somedont stop untill almost 18 months old.
gypsy wrote:
Rose , he may not be donegrowing as yet He a yearold? I cant rememebr when he was born ,some dont stop untill almost 18 monthsold.
Let's see, he was born last June, the 12th I think. He hasn't grown formonths, though, and then suddenlyI had the sneaking suspicionthat his ears were longer. Now it's more than asuspicion.:pIt's not hot at all, so I can't blame theweather. He's also turned lanky all of a sudden.

Oh, btw gypsy, I felt Tank's hips today and she is almost up to lastsummer's weight. :DShe feels really good in the back and hipsand is looking rounder.

FreddysMom wrote:
oooooo!! you are SO SO SO bad teasing me like thatRose!!


more teasing....I found the little squirt again, and the wait shouldn'tbe much longer. At first I thought, ok, it's my imagination--but Ifound the lump and kept my fingers still. Blooooooorp! Panzer keptfloating by. Seemed to be getting irritated as at one point "he" wasactually PUSHING against my fingers. It feels SO weird.:pTankwas feeding her fat face, so she didn't care.



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