If you pulled the skin up and inserted horizontally you shouldn't have hit a blood vessel ; if you think that you were in muscle then it is possible.
You cannot blame yourself for this.
I am giving one of my rabbits injections right now andI don't always pull back on the syringe before I inject because I am sure I am above the muscle ..but I sometimes I don't do it because I give these injections without help from anyone and I do the best I can ; he is hard to hold
Today I attempted to clip my dentally challenged rabbits teeth in front because I cannot do the 3 hr drive to the dentist vet every month.
Iclipped one tooth and broke another . I made a mess of it .
because the same as you I am trying to be a vet when I am not a vet ....
I feel terrible about Hans because you obviously went above and beyond to help him ; I admire yougreatly for contacting Marcy re. the benacillin !
I am so sorry that you lost him ; it isn't right because you tried so hard But you are a truly outstanding rabbit owner
You tried to help him from deep down inside yourself and did the very best that you could ..
Without a necropsy you can never know for sure ; so often we are so sure that we caused damage when it was another unseen problem;
it has occurred time and time again ..owners blaming themselves for something being wrong when the bun may have had a hidden cancer. .
I know you are heartbroken because Hans is gone and nothing now will take away the pain of that but please give yourself the credit of being a really great rabbit owner .
Hugs from the heart