Benjamin Getting Neutered On Wednesday (RESOLVED)

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What I use for heat is a rice sock.

Take an old sock, fill it with dry-uncooked rice, and then you can microwave it for a minute or two. It will stay nice and warm for an hour or so.

As for pain meds, you can call ahead of time and ask the office if they normally distribute pain medications after neutering and if they do what type do they give. If they don't routinely provide pain meds, ask them if they will provide you with some.

Then when you get to the office to drop Benjamin off, ask again about pain medication. You can get them to bottle it up ahead of time, so you don't forget when you pick him up.

He'll be fine. It's totally normal for him to go home the day of the surgery. When we had Benjamin neutered, they sent him home that day. They recommended limited activity for a week, occasional icing of the sacs (10 min with ice pack wrapped in a towel), and also gave us some pain meds to use for a few days after. If they give you meds to take home, just ask for a syringe to give it in. I think a rice sock would be a great idea, as well as keeping him in a warmer (but not too warm) place. He really should be fine, especially since your friend had good experience with the vet. Just keep an eye on him for swelling that doesn't look normal and restrict him from jumping or running about too far by keeping him in a smaller space. It is definitely good to give him a litterbox to monitor his poops. Also, just in case of GI upset from being under anesthesia, you may want to have some simethicone on hand. I know we needed it the day Benjamin had his neuter because he didn't start eating or pooping within a few hours of waking up (I would worry after 6 hours of no eating or pooping). A dose of simethicone did the trick.

good luck!
You can warm towels in the tumble dryer/on the radiator, etc. I folded them up and put them next to the buns. Or over Dotty because she likes to hide under things...

Simeticone is called Infacol here- sold in the baby section of supermarkets etc- it's about £2-3 I think? Very good to have on hand!

I would really, really make sure you get some pain meds for him- maybe get your mum to call the vets tomorrow to check? It's one thing I've definitely learnt through having my girls spayed. I have left it til the next day once, and I seriously regretted it. You really don't want to have to be going back the next day with a bunny in pain!
Okay Jen - I'll get mum to phone tomorrow, shall I ask her to say something like:

"Tomorrow after Benjamins neuter will you be able to supply pain meds?"

Is that okay?
That sounds good.

I know at my vets office, the price of the spay/neuter includes pain medication. However, when they do the discount operations for rescues, the pain medication is not included in the price, and I believe they charge $10 extra for it.

So you could even ask if the price they quoted includes pain medication and if not, how much is it going to be for some to be provided.

oh good luck Benjamin and Becca!!! Calm down it will be ok.

What i did when my guys got nuetered and spayed, i fed them the morning right before going in to get done, i also sent in a little baggie with veggies and one with pellets to be offered to him immediately after the surgery, like a lil packed lunch. I left Belle overnight and suggest bringing Benjamin home as soon as you can, i wish now i would have brought her home there was no need ofr her to stay overnight.

Good luck
It is very normal for them to come home that night. Both my babies did!

Boys recover more quickly than girls. make sure he is confined to his cage (or otherwise small space)

When he first gets home the spot of surgery will look a little swollen. Check it once a day to make sure that the swelling gradually gets better.

BENJAMIN IS CHINNING EVERYTHING!! And I mean everything!! Will the chinning stop when he's neutered?

Also will he stop letting out those poops with spray on them the really smelly ones?
I'm a bit worried the conservatorys too cold :(

Its not actually that warmer than the shed where he usually is, it does have a radiator but it only comes on sometimes and doesn't do much..
It will probably be warmer than the shed (even just a degree or two is ok), but with a head source for Benjamin it should be ok. If you're allowed you can get up in the night to check him and reheat the rice sock if it needs it. We have ours in the porch after ops and they are fine with that. With Summer and her problems we kept them in the spare room with the windows open and heating off, and it was one or two degrees higher, but enough for her to be warmer and put weight on. That minute amount can make all the difference.
Okay, we asked the vet for pain meds (Tracy already knows this story but I'm going to put it on too) and they said they give him an injection to stop the pain that should last for 2 or 3 days. Trace said it doesn't usually last that long :(

I need to persuade my mum to get some metacam later when we pick him up.

Whilst hes under anesthetic their also going to clip his nails *YES* he is so mad I am scared incase he moves and i rip his nail. So thats one job out of the way for a while :)

I sent him off with, hay, pellets and a banana!
When he gets back he will have:

Unlimited hay
Banana Water
Blanket over his cage so its dark to let him sleep
I am going to put some towels on the radiator to keep him warm
Can I give him a hot water bottle with a towel wrapped round?
I don't have a microwave so I can't to a rice sock :(

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