Beautiful Hay!

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I'm not really sure. I've never had to use alfalfa. Maybe one of the more experienced people can reply to that one.

I'm sorry you ordered and was dissapointed, i've never had anything bad to say about the timothy he sells. In fact, when I ordered my sample, it got lost in the mail and I emailed asking if it was possible to get a second sample. He called me himself, and sent it UPS instead of USPS. I really liked speaking to him, perhaps if you are upset about the quality, you can email? I am sure he would do something to better the situation.
The alfalfa that I've seen was a very dark green. Almost no brown at all. But a very, very deep green colour.

Personally, I can't stand the smell of alfalfa, but I love the smell of timothy. So all my buns get timothy.

I don't have time to look, but somewhere out there is some very good pics of different types of hay -- hopefully it's already in the Rescource Center's Hay section, but if not, maybe somebody can track 'em down and post them here?

I know I've put detailed composition info in there... :ponder:

Does anyone know if BunnyBale uses preservatives in their hay? The alfalfa wasn't dark green; it was more of a bright lime green, so I'm wondering about that. I called them AND emailed them this morningwith no response yet!
theevenstarlight<WBR> wrote:
Does anyone know if BunnyBale uses preservatives in their hay? The alfalfa wasn&#39;t dark green; it was more of a bright lime green, so I&#39;m wondering about that. I called them AND emailed them this morningwith no response yet!
If it&#39;s lime green,it might not be fresh hay,or it could be the way it&#39;s been stored.

When i used to buy alfalfa(we call it lucerne here in oz)it was always a nice dark green colour,iv&#39;e never seen it another green,unless it&#39;s maybenot fresh

Does the hay look like this kind of green?,this is alfalfa(lucerne)



Nope, definitely not as dark :( I&#39;m really disappointed because the picture on BunnyBale&#39;s website shows the alfalfa as nice and dark. If I send it back, I can get a refund, but the return shipping will be the same amount as the refund.
Well, I definitely give BunnyBale an F incustomer service...called them twice, emailed them threetimes...nothing. My bun won't eat the hay, so I'm out$20.

I don't know why this is happening because from what you guys have said BunnyBale is great...why me?
I'm so sorry! They have been nothing butwonderful with me. I feel bad now that you are out $20 because I highlyrecommended them.
Another things worth mentioning...the lady fromBunnyBale told me basically never to feed a rabbit alfalfa (and when Iasked her what kind of animal to feed it to she dodged the question),even though my rabbit is 4 months old and was underweight from pinworms. However, on BunnyBales's bag of alfalfa hay, it saysto feed alfalfa to rabbits under 8 months. How interesting....
I got my hay shipment from Kleenmama a whileback but I forgot to post pics! It is wonderful. I highly recommendthem and will use them in the future (thanks EC!).

Heres a pick of the third cut of Timothy hay I got:


And the Bluegrass (Orchard) Hay:


I mixed them both together and the bunnies love them! It cost me about35 bucks for 30 pounds, which I think is a great deal compared to storebought.
:shock:I've never heard of third cuttimothy! I have with alfalfa because it grows faster but our growingseason is just not long enough to ever get a third cut from the timothyfields!

Very nice looking hay though.
That hay looks great!! I imagine getting hayshipped across the border is probably a no-no. I can't findanywhere near me that does timothy hay only - everyone does thealfalfa/timothy mix for the horses.

Shipping hay over the boarder is done all the time. A lot of the hay we have here is Washington timothy.

The hay must be fumitated to make sure no bugs get through, but it doesn't harm the buns.

So, if you can find someone who will ship to Canada, then it shouldn't be a problem.

If you have already thrown out the hay, I'msorry you didn't read this in time... This is what it says on thewebsite mentioned:

[font="Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif"]Alfalfa[/font][font="Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif"]Distinguished by stalks,usually brittle and flat green to brown leaves. Very high in calcium,can cause "sludge" in bunny's urine. High calories. Watch for gummydroppings, weight gain, sludge, and cecal pellets not being eaten.These are usually problems of the older (2+ yr. bunny). Hay can varyfrom dark lime green to yellow/green/brown depending on the season.There is almost always some alfalfa in HRS boxed hay. Alfalfa is easyto come by in San Diego County. Most horse people feed alfalfa, but astrict alfalfa diet for bunnies can lead to some of the problems listedabove. HRS recommends a mixture of hay varieties.[/font]
The alfalfa hay I got last wasn't dark green like the picture at all,rather brownish and brittle. But the buns ate it anyway, it's stilltheir favorite, and the one they pick out of the mix first.

theevenstarlight wrote:
Does anyone knowif BunnyBale uses preservatives in their hay? The alfalfawasn't dark green; it was more of a bright lime green, so I'm wonderingabout that. I called them AND emailed them thismorningwith no response yet!
Wow Binkies, im impressed with that hay! The hayi got from a pet store in a mall nearby was terrible. It looked greatwhen i saw the bag, but once i got to the middle of the bag it was alltiny grass clips, almost like powder! Yours is long and thick, the wayit should be :thumbup

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