Beautiful Hay!

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I have no idea what sort it is - when I askedall I got was the seller shrugging and looking at me like I was crazyfor asking! It was labled as high grade suitable for horses andrabbits.

But I still have never seen green hay EVER till I joined this site :shock:.
It does look like it could be meadow hay, thatis what my buns eat and althoughit isn't as green as timothyit is still good freshstuff.;)This a pic to showwhat meadow hay looks like (best one I could find to show hay!;))

Hehe, JimD...I put the hay right next the deskhere. Best move I ever did! I find myself breathingin nice and deep every now and then just because I LOVE the sweet,meadowy smell! :D

I don't know why I didn't think to move it there sooner! :)

minilops wrote:

Oh, and strands and clumps all over the house, waiting to be vacuumed (of course).
Certainly you are joking?! Your bunnies make a mess with their hay?


I thought I had hay flooring for a bit until I found a way to keep itin the cages a bit more. Bo and Clover tend tothrow out the pieces they don't like..... :X

Bo B Bunny wrote:
Ithought I had hay flooring for a bit until Ifound a way to keep it in the cages a bit more. Boand Clover tend to throw out the pieces they don't like..... :X
Benji was so excited that I gave him a big handful of hay today!!!!
He ripped it all out of the rack....threw it all over his cage....and rolled around in it!!!!

Do I know Benji? I don't think I've met him!

I give the buns hay all the time. Bo loves his timothy haybut hates Orchard Grass or Oat hay..... those tend to go out the cageand onto my floor..... :pssd:
Bo B Bunny wrote:
Do I know Benji? I don't think I've met him!

Benji was my first bunnie....he's in my avatar. We've had him for almost 2 & 1/2years.

You should have seen him this morning when I gave him hay...

[align=center]"Hay, glorious Hay!
What wouldn't I give for
That extra bit more --
That's all that I live for
Why should I be fated to
Do nothing but brood
On Hay,
Magical Hay,
Wonderful Hay,
Marvellous Hay,
Fabulous Hay,"
Oh Bo, I wish that were true! They live outside, it's me that makes the mess.

(Insert my face looking very embarrssed right now)

That hay does look like my hay bunnys_rule, we don't get timothy hay in NZ so that could be why I haven't seen green hay?

Bo B Bunny wrote:
[user<WBR>=3456]minilops[/user][user<WBR>=3456] wrote: [/user]

Oh, and strands and clumps all over the house, waiting to be vacuumed (of course).
Certainly you are joking?! Your bunnies make a mess with their hay?


I thought I had hay flooring for a bit until I found a way to keep it in the cages a bit more. Bo and Clover tend to throw out the pieces they don&#39;t like..... :X
Wooooow. If I was to order 27 lbs from Farmer Dave it would cost me....

[font=<WBR>""Trebuchet MS", Arial, Helvetica"][b<WBR>] ESTIMATED TOTAL[/b][/font] [font="&quot<WBR>;Trebuchet MS", Arial, Helvetica"]$110.62[<WBR>/size][/font]

Yeeeh. I have a good sized garbage bag of hay from the boy&#39;s foster mom. I&#39;m going tomorrow to the local feed store to look at their timothy hay. I hope it looks good, or I don&#39;t know what I&#39;ll do!

A few questions....

If I was to buy a bale of timothy hay (85 lbs) from the local feed store, then how would I store it?

Also, they said I could come to the store with a big garbage bag and fill it with whatever hay is on the floor. If I did that, should I be concerned about it being old, dirty, ect? They also told me that if I did that, then it would be a mix of hays (timothy, alfalfa, orchard, ect)....since by boy&#39;s are on Timothy, would going from a mix of hays be bad for them?

- Amy

JimD wrote:
Bo B Bunny wrote:
Do I know Benji? I don&#39;t think I&#39;ve met him!

Benji was my first bunnie....he&#39;s in my avatar. We&#39;ve had him for almost 2 & 1/2years.

You should have seen him this morning when I gave him hay...

[align=center]"Hay, glorious Hay!
What wouldn&#39;t I give for
That extra bit more --
That&#39;s all that I live for
Why should I be fated to
Do nothing but brood
On Hay,
Magical Hay,
Wonderful Hay,
Marvellous Hay,
Fabulous Hay,"
I just asked you about your avatar in another thread LOL! He&#39;s adorable. I don&#39;t remember him, probably cause you had little baby girl (Binky?). I love bunnies that sit on your shoulder like that for a snuggle! Bo is just like that.

Bo is on very limited pellets, hay and water only - he&#39;s had some hard poos and I want to get his system in better shape. He hates me.
JimD wrote:
Bunnys_rule63 wrote:
(best one I could find to show hay!;))
YIKES!!!!! There&#39;s a big brown fuzzy bug or sumthin&#39; in your hay!!!!!
<WBR>:laugh:I know, I can&#39;t seem to get rid of it!;) Oh well, whatever it is doesn&#39;tseem to be any trouble, although it does seem to consume a lot of hay!:shock::wink
I give my girls meadow hay too, they love it:), but

I HATE IT!!!!!

I&#39;m allergic to hay! I have to close my eyes and try not to breathe when I&#39;m topping theirs up! But, I have to put up with it, it&#39;s worth it:D
Did you get the free sample or order the loose hay? Because my free sample was brownish. But I order the loose hay and it looks so much better.
Oh ok. Well mine is Timothy. I guess that makes a difference. Alfalfa doesn&#39;t look the same as Timothy.

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