I haven't been on RO recently but just looked atthe notices on the Infirmary and am horrified at all the sad thingsthat have been occurring with other bunnies. I took Beau back toVerona,near Madison, on Nov.4th for a re-check. I had had himplacedback on antibiotics the previous week because he had a bad odor aroundhis mouth and he also seemed uncomfortable. It turns out that he neededone more tooth taken out so that makes 5 cheek teeth all in a row PLUSfood had gotten down in the gums where they had pulled the previous 4and apparently that is what was bothering him and causing the bad odor.He is on antibiotics for 2 more weeks and I am trying to rinse hismouth (just with water) daily as I am so afraid that food will packdown again. It is not easy to do this as I have to have his bodypointed toward the floor so he won't aspirate any water. I had to spendover $300.00 this time and I am very freaked out by my bills but maybeproblems will resolve now. Babette had her last dose of antibiotictoday and is much improved although I am fearful that the respiratoryproblem could come back off the meds After reading others problems Ifeel lucky right now that things aren't worse . I am fostering a youngNew Zealand male. that just got neutered. I can't adopt him but I amabsolutely in love with him. His name is Christopher and he is thesweetest bun alive..apparently never been hurt as he is very trustingand loving.