Well-Known Member
My beloved first rabbit, Beans, died Fridaynight. I don't know how or why. She was fine in themorning when I left for work. When I came home, she was lyingdown with her eyes wide open and not moving. I am soupset. I feel like it's my fault and that she may have diedfrom depression. Ever since we moved into the new apartmentshe seemed out of sorts. She stopped doing her binkies andbeing her goofy self. But she seemed healthy. Ithought it would pass and she would get used to her new home but Iguess not. I'm just so upset because she died aloneand in a strange environment to her. I have to stop typingnow cuz I'm tearing up and I'm at work.
Rest In Peace my sweet Beans. I will miss you and remember you always. :sad:
Rest In Peace my sweet Beans. I will miss you and remember you always. :sad: