Greetings Friends!
On June 5, 2004, you, your spouse, friends, children and bunnies arewarmly welcomed to take the day off, pack a picnic lunch, and joinother members of this Fabulous Forum for a Picnic at the Lake in theNorthwest corner of CT.
SETTING: The Lake does not allow dogs, motors on the water that exceed5 mph. It does have rowboats that you can rent for $5/hour, a woodenswingset & 'castle', fishing for all ages--the lake is stockedeach year with fish, a fishing pond for kids 12 and under, a beach,lifeguards, a couple of floating docks, sailboats, a few seagulls,barbeque pits, canoes, kids and families, and we bring to it: BunnyPeople (if they're lucky) and Bunnies On The Beach!
TIME: Morning - Evening
If you have any questions, please email me and I'll be happy to getback to you with the details. I will be sending out invitations withdirections to all those who are interested if you email me.
Just wanted you to be sure to mark your calendars.
Have a great week,