I wish we could come and make a vacation out of it but wecan't.We live in Michigan and right now we don't have the money tocome.We never been to CT.How far is that from Michigan? Have you everbeen to Michigan?If you ever get to Michigan maybe we can have a partyhere.Greetings Friends!
On June 5, 2004, you, your spouse, friends, children and bunnies arewarmly welcomed to take the day off, pack a picnic lunch, and joinother members of this Fabulous Forum for a Picnic at the Lake in theNorthwest corner of CT.
SETTING: The Lake does not allow dogs, motors on the water that exceed5 mph. It does have rowboats that you can rent for $5/hour, a woodenswingset & 'castle', fishing for all ages--the lake is stockedeach year with fish, a fishing pond for kids 12 and under, a beach,lifeguards, a couple of floating docks, sailboats, a few seagulls,barbeque pits, canoes, kids and families, and we bring to it: BunnyPeople (if they're lucky) and Bunnies On The Beach!
TIME: Morning - Evening
If you have any questions, please email me and I'll be happy to getback to you with the details. I will be sending out invitations withdirections to all those who are interested if you email me.
Just wanted you to be sure to mark your calendars.
Have a great week,
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