Well-Known Member
I"m also in Canada.... maybe next year everyone should come to Toronto lol
Thanks! I've been having issues trying to decide which to use! I loveboth my babies, lol. And thanks for the compliment on my picture takingskills, lol. I will spend hours outside taking nearly 100 photos withthe digital camera to get just a few good ones, but that's how it iseven for the best photographers.M&SMom!!!
I love Spice's avatar!!!
I just noticed it. How cool!!
SSSShhhhh, don't tell Mocha. Mocha Mon would say that's because Spice is a Momma's Boy always staying by her side.
Of course, we know they're both big babies and both Momma's Boys!
That's a really good picture to have gone with...Good Job!
* * * * * * *
Weird that sooooooo doesnt look like Tucker. He looks really different!!
But then this is weird little me!!!
Maybe you should all come to England. It doesnt rain all the time... :?
I hope you have a really nice time and when im older ill try and come to your next one!
Lots of wuv
Loz n ebs n Fudge
ps You talk about "respected members of the forum" Who are they? Do I get to be one when I'm older?
P.P.S I've got some great news!!! friday was a really great day for mebecauseI got the results from my grade 5 singingexam i took way back before easter. And guess what?? Ipassed withHonours and to top of my day when i went horse riding i entered a clearround jumping competition and got a clear round! It was such a coolday!!
Thought I'd share that random peice of imformation!
Awwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!! Thanks Pam and Carolyn!!!!
You all will DEFINATLEY have to come to England, Like I said, it onlyrains most off the time and we dont all drink tea. (she says sippingher tea!)
Lauren and the bunnies