Bandit: rabbity antics

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That's awesome!!!! I love the lion king it was the first movie I remember seeing at the movies lol!!!!
Thanks a bunch :) The first movie I saw was Aladdin, at the drive in with my family. The Lion King was the first movie I saw in the actual cinema though :D Can't believe how long ago it was!!!
This is completely unrelated to everything, but I watched Storm Boy today. For international people it's an Australian movie from about the 70s or something about a boy who hand raises a pelican. I'd never seen it before, but figured I should probably become more culturally educated, lol.

I think Bandit is going through another shed, less drastic this time, but his fur is getting darker patches through it and I can feel that it's thickened up a bit. Just in time for this crazy weather that we've been having. I've been letting him out into the lounge room for short run-around sessions. Fully supervised so I can stop him getting behind the couch etc. Every time I chase him away from where he's not meant to be, he skips away happily like he just got away with something, cheeky little man.
I can't believe you have never seen Storm Boy!!! Lol another you should watch is the man from snowy river (if you haven't already seen it)
Every time I chase him away from where he's not meant to be, he skips away happily like he just got away with something, cheeky little man.
Felix does this too! There have been so many times I've shooed him away or off something and given him a little talking-to, only to have him hop off and binky away with glee.

I can't believe you have never seen Storm Boy!!! Lol another you should watch is the man from snowy river (if you haven't already seen it)

Haha, don't know why, just never have. I'm sure I've seen the Man From Snowy River, but I was probably about 9 or 10 and I have no memory of it. Might have to add it to the list of things to see. :p

Felix does this too! There have been so many times I've shooed him away or off something and given him a little talking-to, only to have him hop off and binky away with glee.


Haha, it's like they're getting in the last laugh isn't it?! It's hilarious, but sometimes you just wish they'd take the threat seriously, lol.
My goodness now I feel really old. The first film I saw at the pictures was The Sound of Music, I won´t tell you what year lol.

I just laugh now when they do something naughty cos they always look at you with that innocent face as though butter wouldn´t melt in their mouth. Houdini escaped again the other day while I was in the kitchen. I knew he would but just wondered how long it would take him to figure it out. Funny thing was when he got over, I was looking from the kitchen and he stopped in the middle of the living room floor to look both ways...has anybody seen me???? You have to laugh :headsmack
Ahh, but that also means you possibly got to watch the moon landing. Pretty special in my opinion :D

They are so funny when they try to get away with things, they have the funniest expressions.

Went to the doctor today since I figured I should get a sick note for work, he asked me if I wanted the bad news... he said I'll probably feel worse tomorrow! Thanks Doc! He said for this kind of virus people tend to peak out around day five (tomorrow for me) and it often improves from there. So that's just great. He covered me for work tomorrow as well, but depending on how I feel in the morning I might go as I'm going to be so far behind already. The fantastic part is I have a meeting tomorrow night that I probably won't be at, I'm working all weekend, and on Saturday night we have our work awards night. I'll be dammed if I'm missing the awards night though, I want my $20 deposit back!!! :p
Yes Becs, I did watch the moon landing on our old black and white Tv, everyone sitting round it. It was pretty exciting.

Hope you feel better for the awards, would be a shame to miss them.
^That's so awesome :D And thanks, started to feel a little better today.

Bandit is the most adorable, fuffy, cutest thing ever. Just saying. Such a love sponge.
Last weekend was so exhausting and awful. Well, not awful I suppose, just busy. Between being sick, working all weekend, the work function and having very little sleep, I'm simply exhausted. I had barely any time for anything all weekend. Fortunately, today (tuesday) is my day off and then I also have this coming weekend off. Looking forward to it. However, this week I have a super heavy workload, so going back to work tomorrow will certainly be interesting.

I was originally going to be going camping this coming weekend, but decided it's probably not for the best given that I haven't been able to shake this cold yet and the last thing I need is to be out in cold winter air while camping.

Bandit has been doing well, if a little neglected the past week since I've been so busy and sick. He still eats like a horse and always comes running to the door when I go into the laundry which is adorable. I need to cut his nails, but he's been a pain about it lately and nipped me last time that I tried. It's difficult because he only sits still if I keep petting his head, but I need both hands to clip his nails and there's no one else here to pet his head :p

Right now, I'm going to put on a load of washing (fun stuff) and attempt a hallway barrier set-up. I stopped doing them because Bandit was such a pain with them, but it's been a while so we'll see how it goes and hopefully he'll have fun.
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Bandit is sooooo cuuuuuuuuute. :D He looks so silky soft.

Felix needs his nails clipped too, but he's a pain in the bum to groom so I'm not looking forward to it. Squirmy little fella. Wish he was better behaved like Bandit!
It was a good day because I received my Lion King 20th Anniversary Legacy Collection soundtrack (an almost complete score) and it arrived a week earlier than expected, which is great.

But then... I got a phone call from the real estate agents that manage the rental property I'm in. They're selling it. I was a little afraid of it happening after the owners came through and decided to fix a bunch of things up. But I'm pretty well freaking out. Finding a pet friendly place around this area in my price range is going to be near impossible, and I really have no idea how long I've got. There's already going to be an open inspection the weekend of July 12th -13th so I may even need to be out of here before the end of the month. It's really put a dampener on things and I have no idea how I'm going to make it happen. I think I'm going to go and buy some chocolate *panics*
Don't freak out, Bec - there's always the chance the next owners will want to continue renting! We dealt with a similar situation a couple of years ago, with the real estate company holding an open house every other weekend or so for a few months. It actually ended up that no one bought our house, but the real estate company let us know that there was an amount of notice they'd need to provide (I think it was 6 weeks) if we needed to vacate.
Trying not to :p Thank you so much though, it's good to hear reassuring words. I didn't think about the next owners possibly renting it out until I tried to ring my mum and spoke to her partner about it for a bit. It's a very good point that I might just be able to sign over with the new owners. There is one positive though if I do end up moving, and that is that I should be able to get a truly pet friendly place and have a better set-up for Bandit.

In the meantime, I have to get this place up to scratch for the inspection, lol.
Oh renting... this is why i am so keen to buy a house NOW!!! so over renting. i hate paying off someone else's mortgage. Im not going to move anywhere until i buy! just so i dont have to deal with renting with a pet. but apparently according to my real estate, people dont tent to care about rabbits, birds and fish...etc. just dogs and cats. so even if a place states NO PETS, apply anyways! they consider rabbits as caged animals and think they just stayed locked up all day. so as long as you are sure to fix any damages you rabbit does and just dont let it run around on inspection days, then your pretty safe IF it comes down to needing to find a new home.

stated above.... lots of people buy and don't intend to move in straight away, so just buy as an investment. you may not be going anywhere!
Still buy the chocolate though!!!!!!!! i've already eaten half a block of cadbury fruit and nut chocolate and had several spoons of nutella... hahahaahha, who needs dinner when you have chocolate!
^I LOVE the cadbury fruit and nut, trouble is I eat too much of it in one sitting whenever I buy it, lol.

I'm trying to actually determine what my actual rights are as a renter in terms of notice for moving out due to sale. But the Residential Tenancies Act doesn't really have anything on it. It mentions the sale of the property and that the lease can be transferred over no later/earlier than certain times. But I can't quite work out whether they can kick me out or not, or whether my lease still holds up until January when it was scheduled to end. I suppose the agent would probably know, turns out they weren't allowed to advertise it yet though, there's supposed to be 14 days between when they tell me, and when they start advertising/first have an inspection. I'm not too picky on that though. At least they gave me more than a week.

In regards to the pet friendly places, I noticed if I made that a selection, I got very few rental properties listed, but many of a non pet friendly places, say pets negotiable. So I suppose it is just a matter of applying.
I just messaged a lady from work who I remembered had the same thing happen. Apparently they can't kick me out until my lease is up (early January). Which I see as a good and bad thing. Good that I have time, bad that I really don't want to be trying to organise a move just after Christmas and New Years. :p
i think she might be right...because i always look at houses for sale and it says "under contract" or "lease expires.....(date)" so i assume meaning that if i was to buy one of these i couldn't move in until the date listed..... maybe.... i have no idea really but it seams to be that from what i read.

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