New Member
Hi, I am new to the site, but I’m hoping someone can help me. I got 2 rabbits this summer. A part mini lop part Holland lop (Buttercup) who I got in June when she was 6weeks old. A few weeks later I got a 6week mini Rex (Houdini). They do not cohabitate. They’re in the same cage technically but have access to their own levels and aren’t sharing the same space. I’m worried though because Houdini has developed these two bald spots on the back of her neck right behind her ears. She doesn’t have any dandruff and the fur isn’t patchy it’s just completely bare in those two spots. Both girls have molted before but this has never happened and they are my first rabbits. There’s also a black spots in each bald spot. Are they moles??? Is it fungus? Mites? Idk. If it was mites wouldn’t they both be affected? Or is it maybe from stress? She is a happy bunny and well taken care of, she has been eating and drinking normal, and feces look normal. However, buttercup can be aggressive towards Houdini. She tries to bite her anytime she is close enough, which is why I separate them. I also let them out to run around at separate times, and Houdini is still very social and doesn’t seem anxious at all but maybe she is losing fur from stress? I’m just not seeing any pictures online that look like her bald spots and the influx of information I was reading about rabbit diseases is scary lol. Sorry it is hard to see the spots in my pics but Houdini thought I was trying to pet her and she loves her forehead being petted and to get kisses so she assumed that I was also trying to do that lol she’s very affectionate.