Bad News. Bella died overnight.

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Sorry about Bella! Se looked like such a sweetbun. I still love that llama picture of her... But I'm glad you andStephanie will get to see her again someday.

I'm so, so sorry. I've been busy all weekend and have just now read this post.

My heart goes out to you, I cannot believe this happened so quickly! Itscares me to think about how out of the blue this was. :(

Again, I'm so sorry.
Hi Dan,

I'm sure this is very hard on you. The little bun is in agood place and happy. My thoughts and prayers are with you.


Peter &Faye
So very sorry for your loss. It is so shocking to loose an animal without warning.

There is a wonderful poem at this site:

This is one of my favorite quotes. Its about a dog, but I think it is appropriate for all animals.

"I have sometimes thought of the final cause of dogs having such shortlives and I am quite satisfied it is in compassion to the human race;for if we suffer so much in losing a dog after an acquaintance of tenor twelve years, what would it be if they were to live double thattime?" -- Sir Walter Scott

Mambo101, how are you and Stephie holding uptoday? I know it will take some time until the dark cloud that you mustbe feeling clears up a little bit. How is Stephie taking the loss? Isshe taking it very hard? I so hope that you and she will be okay......dont forget that we're all here for you!
I buried Bella this afternoon about 1pm EST. Justby luck when I was looking for a spade I found a ceramic rabbit underour steps. It was just the proper memorial I was looking for. I knowshe is doing ok now in bunny heaven.
I was thinking about you guys today. Neat how the ceramic bunny made an appearance at just the right time.

Rest in Peace Beautiful Bella . . .


I can't believe she's gone.


It hurts so much when we lose a member of our family. Bella was definitely a part of us.

Thank you, Mambo, for sharing her with us. She'll be remembered and loved here forever.

I am soo sorry for you loss. I guess I will saywhat is obvious you really did give her a good home and life untill shewent home. You can realy tell she is one of those little angels and youknow that she went to heaven to do her duty.

I wanted to post not only to let you know what I said before... butalso because some of the things that you said in your first postsounded familer to me. Mouse is one of my flemish gals and really isone of my favorite because of her personality. Actualy she is one of myfirst flemishes. She was never a ver good show rabbit untill she turnedfour but she had some very nice litters that showed good. One of herlitters was to one of my white bucks. He died one day out of the blue.He never gave me any signs of illnesses and the day before he ate hisfood. The next day I went out to check on everyone (well actualy toplay with them) and he had passed on. He was six months old and hadjust started to get a good size to him so I was realy excited about hisshow potiental. He had also just started to be one of my breedingbucks. What was similar was that he died laying across his food bowlwich he never layed like that before. I thought that he had died of ainjury possibly from running around his cage because of how he waslaying. I was really sad and will never forget him. For weeks I couldntfigure out what I did wrong.

Mouse ended up having a good sized litter of whites. They weredeveloping into pretty nice rabbits, great layed back personalties,nice type, fur, and size. Shortly before six months the largest kitdied. Again out of the blue. I was away at the time so I dont know whatexactly happened but my dad and brother took care of the buriel beforeI got home (they even planted a rose bush above where they buried her)Well a few weeks later I got a call from the people owning another oneof the kits. Theirs had passed on too. I watched the other kits.Everything went fine untill they turned eight months old. Two passed onin one day with no evidence. (both were laying over things in theircage like their hide box, and their litter box) This time I was homeand found them both. I was scared to death that there may be somethingwrong with my rabbits like contagous. I decided to have the restchecked out and spend the money on the living instead of the passed on.Even after checking them all out they found nothing. Well to make along story a little shorter we continued to lose kits out of thelitter, when we lost the next kit I didnt have enough money afterhaving spent it on getting everyone checked out. The next kit that welost I had a necrospy done and they found that the heart wasnt right.It was too small or something was too small. I think they said a namefor it and tried to explain it but this was quite a while ago. Theysaid it sounded like it was heridtory. The last rabbit in the litterdied in my arms when she was just over a year old. It was very quick. Iknew I was losing her because she didnt eat the day before and she wascold, so I brought her in our house and she layed in my lap and passedon later that night. I am sure she wasnt in any pain because she prettymuch settled down on my lap and I wasnt sure when she passed on becauseit was soo settle.

I had a bunch of vets listen to mouses heart and they all said itsounded perfectly normal and that I had nothing to worry about. After afew years of mouse going strong and raising good litters I have learnedto relax I think it must of just been on their dads side esspacailysince none of the litters have had any problems since or before thatlitter. Going out to the rabbits every day and seeing the ones that Iknew was going to have a short time and having to prepare myself beforeI see them in case it was their day was probably the hardest thing Ihad ever done. It kind of reminds me to that garth brooks song thedance if you have ever heard it. The fact that you said she was layingover the litter box struck me as being identical to what the ones inthat litter did.

I am just hopping that this would bring you some comfort in the factthat there was probably nothing you could of done and that she probablywent comfortably and fast.

Hi Dan,

I'm so sorry. We're all going to miss her.

Danielle told me yesterday afternoon, but I was really hoping that she had been mistaken.

Thoughts and prayers are with you.

I'm so, so sorry to hear of your loss. Bella was such a beautiful bunny.
Im soo sorry about your bunny, i just read thepost i was busy over the weekend my husband bought me some new stackcages which we had to assemble and are catching ducks to get ready forsale.bluebird
becc_boland wrote:
I'm really sorry :( Hang in there. Her body may b gone but herspirit will live on forever. ( i didnt know how to put that i hope itwasnt upsetting)


I think you put that in exactly the right way......
It is such a nice thought, too. Knowing that her spirit is living on has to bring some peace to Mambo101 and Stephie.
Carolyn wrote:
Dearest Mambo101,

I went down to New York City yesterday with a couple of friends and they spent the night last night.

This morning, as we were all waking up, I was saying "Good Morning" toTucker, Fauna, and Cali as I always do. My friends started picking onme because they said, "My God, Carolyn! You sound as if it's the firsttime you've ever seen them." Finding your post made me feel a bit less'crazy'.

It's true. Every single day, they get the same reception from me when Iwake up. Knowing how quickly a rabbit can pass, and having seen howfast a problem can present itself - literally overnight with rabbits -I truly feel as if every day that I'm able to have them with me is agift. I don't take it for granted that they're healthy.

Bella was the sweetest little baby, and I so love Stephie as much. Ireally was moved by the picture you posted just a few days ago that wasthe avatar you now have. The look on Bella's face is priceless asStephie approached her cage. That picture really struck a cord in myheart.

I'm sorry, so very sorry, Mambo. It's so devastating when they pass onovernight without any warning of problems. It really throws you, andeveryone else on the forum, off when this happens to one of our own. Itreinforces how delicate they and life are.

I'll certainly be thinking and praying for you during this difficult day and days ahead.

Thank God Bella got to experience your tender loving care while she was here on earth.

With Deepest Sympathies,

What a beautiful post, Carolyn.... your sentiments are as true as canbe, and really hit home for me. I too great my babies every morning,and continuosly through the day I have to go downstairs to give themkisses, just because. When I feed my bunnies I sing to them, making upsongs about each one and how much i love him or her. They might thinktheir "human mommy" is a little flaky, but at least they know how muchthey mean to me.

I know that no matter how long one of my rabbits lives, it will neverbe long enough for me! I want to take advantage of every single daywith them, because life is short and no one knows what even the nextday may have in store.

Thanks again.... I greatly enjoyed reading what you wrote. I dont think it could have been put in a better way.
Carolyn wrote:
Dearest Mambo101,

I went down to New York City yesterday with a couple of friends and they spent the night last night.

This morning, as we were all waking up, I was saying "Good Morning" toTucker, Fauna, and Cali as I always do. My friends started picking onme because they said, "My God, Carolyn! You sound as if it's the firsttime you've ever seen them." Finding your post made me feel a bit less'crazy'.

It's true. Every single day, they get the same reception from me when Iwake up. Knowing how quickly a rabbit can pass, and having seen howfast a problem can present itself - literally overnight with rabbits -I truly feel as if every day that I'm able to have them with me is agift. I don't take it for granted that they're healthy.

Bella was the sweetest little baby, and I so love Stephie as much. Ireally was moved by the picture you posted just a few days ago that wasthe avatar you now have. The look on Bella's face is priceless asStephie approached her cage. That picture really struck a cord in myheart.

I'm sorry, so very sorry, Mambo. It's so devastating when they pass onovernight without any warning of problems. It really throws you, andeveryone else on the forum, off when this happens to one of our own. Itreinforces how delicate they and life are.

I'll certainly be thinking and praying for you during this difficult day and days ahead.

Thank God Bella got to experience your tender loving care while she was here on earth.

With Deepest Sympathies,

I'm in tears now. :( It's so scarey how thingscould change so quickly. Like Carolyn, I wake up each morningand greet my bunnies and give them both hugs and treats.These bunnies are so much a part of my life. Again, I'm sovery sorry for your loss.

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