Bad News. Bella died overnight.

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It's not common to have them suddenly die at thatage :( I could only speculate as to somepossible causes such as viral, intestinal blockage or a congenitaldisorder such as a heart defect. In the occasionally caseswhere we loose them around the age of a year, it has beenviral/bacterial enterotoxemia which is not as common as mucoidenteropathy in much younger rabbits.

In Bella's case, she did not exhibit the common symptoms of enterotoxemia.

:( I am too sorry to hear of your loss. This ismy first time to your site, so when I read your post, I had to respond.Take care and let us know how you are doing.

oh my....I can't believe this :(

when I read the title of this post my heart skipped a beat...I'm just stunned...

Mambo, I'm so sorry that your time with Bella was cut so short. I know how much you and Stephie loved her :(:(
Oh Mambo....I'm sosorry to see this...I can't even imagine how you are feeling. You andStephie both must just be heartbroken. I'm certain you are looking backfor clues and wishing you had answers. These things can be sofrustrating and hurtful. My thoughts are with you.

Mambo I'm so sorry :(. This is the first post Iopened when I saw the title my heart just stopped. I'm in tears noweven though I didn't know her.

She was such a beautiful and loved little rabbit. What a terrible shock for you to find her like that, I'm just so sorry.

With love


Oh Mambo what a shock!

((((hugs you tight)))

I hope you can try and work out what happened to her.

So very sorry about your Bella.
Awwww Mambo, I am so sorry this hashappened. I know how excited you were when you brought herhome. We were excited for you and enjoyed your postings andpictures of her. Poor Stephie, they were just getting to knowone another!!

I know that this is so heart breaking and it hurts us all when we seesomething happen to our forum bunnies and friends. Just knowthat you provided her a good home and lots of love.

I am just so sorry that you and Stephie were only able to enjoy hercompany for such a short time. This news just makes my heartso heavy. I am so sorry. Mythought are with you. Beckie
gjsara wrote:
howawful!!!! i am so sorry to here that is it possible she was sufferingfrom gi stais??


It's possible. If it was a blockage due to GI stasis, she passed unusually quickly :(

I'm in shock! I can't believeit! I'm so sorry Mambo, my thoughts are with you during thishard time. Bella was such a lovely looking rabbit. :(

Ang xx
Once again I thank you for all of your bestwishes. I will be burying Bella in our backyard this afternoon. I thinkStephie will be OK. Last night when I let her out of her cage, shequickly went over to where Bella's cage was. Then she promptly decidedto see what kind of trouble she could get herself into. Then she didabout six Bunny 500's around the couch, so I Knew for sure by that shewas OK.

I definitely plan on getting another bunny, but certainly not rightaway. Probably not till spring. I probably won't get another DH becauseit would remind me to much of Bella. Not that I would ever want toforget her, it would just weird me out to much. I'm leaning towardsHolland Lops or Himalayans, but you just never know. It will also seemvery weird seeing another animal in Bella's cage. I had just gotten hera new wabbitat cage too last weekend and she seemed to like it.

I hope all of you will give your buns an extra hug and a treat inBella's memory. Once again, thank you all. I'm so touched that you allloved her as much as I did.
I was kind of worried about my Al lastnight. I gave him a treat whic he ussually begsfor. He just layed there and ignored it.I picked him uo and he ussualy does not like that. I checkedhim and didn't see anything wrong. He was kind of cuddly fora change. He seems back to his old self today.


Dearest Mambo101,

I went down to New York City yesterday with a couple of friends and they spent the night last night.

This morning, as we were all waking up, I was saying "Good Morning" toTucker, Fauna, and Cali as I always do. My friends started picking onme because they said, "My God, Carolyn! You sound as if it's the firsttime you've ever seen them." Finding your post made me feel a bit less'crazy'.

It's true. Every single day, they get the same reception from me when Iwake up. Knowing how quickly a rabbit can pass, and having seen howfast a problem can present itself - literally overnight with rabbits -I truly feel as if every day that I'm able to have them with me is agift. I don't take it for granted that they're healthy.

Bella was the sweetest little baby, and I so love Stephie as much. Ireally was moved by the picture you posted just a few days ago that wasthe avatar you now have. The look on Bella's face is priceless asStephie approached her cage. That picture really struck a cord in myheart.

I'm sorry, so very sorry, Mambo. It's so devastating when they pass onovernight without any warning of problems. It really throws you, andeveryone else on the forum, off when this happens to one of our own. Itreinforces how delicate they and life are.

I'll certainly be thinking and praying for you during this difficult day and days ahead.

Thank God Bella got to experience your tender loving care while she was here on earth.

With Deepest Sympathies,

eh im so sorry

im actually in tears

she looks identicle to lucy

god bless her and you and all the family

varna xxxxaddeytrix
This is so very upsetting. I lost Jetlast year on valentines day, and she was just under a year old. I criedfor the whole weekend.

I hope you feel better soon.

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