Well-Known Member
So, Dori and Enkei fully bonded back in March. They have been living together in the same cage since then. They have had a couple fights since then inside their cage, but nothing big (that I know of), although I did have to separate them once. A couple of times when they were roaming the apartment I went to the bathroom and came back out to a living room FULL of fur tufts :?. They were separate, once was in the cage hangin' out, the other one was out in the living room, breathing a little hard, but not alarming. I could only assume they had a scuffle. Well today was BAD. I woke up and they were snuggled together in their cage. I went and opened the door for them to roam, and went to the kitchen. Within a minute I hear something and saw them run into the living room, I rushed in there and saw them attached and going around in circles and fur flying! :nerves1 Immediately I jumped in and put my hand in to separate them and suddendly I hear a LOUD SCRREEECH! I don't know if it was Dori or Enkei, but one of them screemed! :cry2 I think Enkei was haning on to Dori with his teeth, I don't know if her face or what, but pulled when I separated them. They ran their separate ways, and I tried to inspect both of them but didn't see any blood from the surface. Neither was limping or anything, or acting weird beside breathing kind of hard right after I separated them. After this I fed them their morning salad, and had them eat separately, Dori ate in her cage and Enkei ate in the living room. But like within 10 minutes they came back together and started cuddling again :expressionless.
OMG it was so scary! What is the deal with these guys!? Do you guys have any scary fight stories from buns that are already 'supposedly' bonded??
OMG it was so scary! What is the deal with these guys!? Do you guys have any scary fight stories from buns that are already 'supposedly' bonded??