Baby Shower?

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Joker is 5 months old today! We'll be weaning him right after Xmas. He's growing like bamboo next to a Nuclear Power Plant. His shoulder is a little higher than my chest right now. I had bought him a blanket for winter, and I bought it one size too big so he could grow a little. And the company sent me the wrong color (hot pink). but it fit him perfect. But I sent it back because I cannot and will not have a hot pink blanket on my studly little man. So they sent me back a red one and I put it on Joe and...its 3 sizes too small. So my boss at work is buying it off of me for his mini. And I have to buy another blanket for Joe. Probably every 6 weeks at the rate he's growing.

I'm still trying to get him registered. Iv'e made some progress but the woman who owns the stallion is a complete DUH. So everything has been taking a lot longer than it should because I have to carry her through this whole thing and she's not taking the initiative to do pretty much anything. I'm about to hang myself.

But here's some pictures and video for now. We're goign to start breaking Joker to cart next summer, just to get him doing something and toget used to bit commands and moving forward without having someone near his head all the time. I put a fat saddle blanket on his back for kicks, and he didn't even flinch. I'm gonna put our tiny 8" pony saddle on him soon, just so he gets used to it. It hardly weighs anything. Anything I can do to make breaking him in another year more bearable.

Also pics of Tulsa, he's filling otut o be absolutely stunning. He's very easy to handle and so so sweet. He's the lover of the barn. Erron's little buddy. But Iv'e had to keep him in every other day as I can't turn him out with the mares anymore. He's just starting to realize he has balls and he prances around like he's all full of himself...tail flagged and trotting circles around the mares. And they are starting to enjoy the attention so before things go carried away, I stopped turning them out together. Until I get my fence repaired in pasture #3 they're goign to have to be swapped out every other day.

Anyways, pics and video..










PS: My new bunny-mobile...

Jesse, he's GORGEOUS! I love his coloring. Have you figured out what his markings/coloring are? How is his neck hole?
The neck hole is completely closed. Can't tell it was ever there. I won't tell if you wont.

He's a palomino, thats for sure.... and he definitely has spots. And other breeders have confirmed this. But his winter coat is so thick and fluffy that we can't see those spots. The light areas (which are visible in the pictures) blend perfectly into his regular color. Thers no way to tell where the spots actualyl are, which is goign ot make registration very difficult. I'd have to shave him. Which I don't really want to do since its like 20 degrees outside.

He's so pretty! I love that he is eating THROUGH the hotwire! LOL!

So the black guy is a stallion.... somehow I thought he was a gelding. I actually get a kick out of it when the horses prance around with their tails up and stuff. Of course Dakota does it like a stud and he's gelded.

He's really looking good tho! You're doing such a great job with all of them !

It's good to see you!
Wow, Woman! Joe is lookin' schnazzay!!! Whatta hottie he's become! I can't wait to see post-winter fluff pictures, to see those spots better. :)

Glad, also, to see his hole is healing so great...what a relief!



P.S. I wrote about Elvis a bit in Teeny's RB thread. :D
More Joker pics!

Dec 22 - Joker is 6 months old! We weaned him the first week of December. Alero stopped producing milk and he was eating like a pig on his own anyways and he is HUGE. His shoulder is about level with my ****s.

His neck is healed 100%. Cant even tell.

He has 2 matching white hind socks that have really popped in the last few weeks... and two white front socks extending to the fetlock. And he still has that all white face and black ring around his lips. He's such a card. (haha I made a funny). And he's quite full of himself. I made thees two videos yesterday and took a bunch of pics. I put him out in the big pasture for the first time and with Spanky as a buddy. They love each other. But Spanky is so old he just kind of stands there while Joker runs circles around him.

Anyways, pics and video.








Jesse, he's looking so handsome. His fur looks so thick an warm! What a handsome guy. What's his personality like?
Why would a horsie be eating candy? Like, candy for people? I want a baby horse! Hey how about if you fly Joker out to me? I can get it all set up with the airline, piece of cake :dude:

Skyler Monroe bun turned 1 on the 30th! Did you see his b-day thread on the main forum? It's full of pictures. I have several I've been meaning to send you and will do so soon.
Horses love peppermint most of the time. My niece had a pony who LOVED skittles. My horse, Kota, loves all sorts of stuff - including chicken and fries at the fair... he's kinda goofy LOL!

Like with bunnies, you don't want to feed them tons of stuff like that but treats are fine.

Dakota's dad will suck on a sucker...... like you see him walking around with the sucker stick hanging out of his mouth LOL! and he sucks on candy cane pieces.

We have a box of mini-candycanes just for him and Kota (his daddy lives across the road) and Pokie likes regular horse treat biscuts but give her an apple and she takes bites as you hold it.

My one niece has a horse that LOVES and I mean LOVES beer. Pokie likes Diet Coke and Dakota is kinda fond of a bit of choc or vanilla shake.

Have you ever givena cat cottoncandy? it's hilarious!
Joker is so Beautiful...

My horse will eat just about anything... My mom will bring her a cookie when she comes over... and my horse expects it... she knows the sound of her car when its coming down the road and she goes and waits for her treat

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