Finally some updates. Things have been so busy here.
And When Joker turned 6 weeks old some idiot told me he should be getting his vaccinations then. So I called the vet out and she was like ''we usually dont' vacc them this young'' and I said for her to do what she thought is best but if it would help him then I'd rather not waste the farm call ($60). So she said she could just give him a 6 way, and she did.
Often horses get a little bump were the vaccine poked them, and it goes away in a few weeks. Joker got a bump. Then he got a bigger bump. Then it blew up into an abcess the size of a baseball. Then he started rubbing fur off of it. Then the first layer of skin came off. I called the vet out again and they said it was hard, so they couldn't drain it just yet and they'd come back in a few days to lance it. Yuck.
So I called Matt over and he brought over this extremely foul potent-smelling gunk. It smelled so strong and so bad that I smelled it from inside my house before he got to my front porch. And I said ''ugh wtf IS that?!" and then I heard footsteps on the door and I opened it and I was like ''Hi Ma...WWAARGGHHH!" *slams door*
He said it was to draw out any and all pus from the abcess. And so logn as it smells like chemical warefare its working. So he and Erron administered that to Joke's neck and covered it wit ha gauze pad.
The next day was Saturday, on which I like to sleep in and make Erron feed horses in the morning. He returned to say I'd better come take a look at Joker. His neck had literally EXPLODED, leaving a hole in the side of his neck I could probably bury 2 golfballs in. It was at least 2-3 inches deep, and 4-5 inches across. Joker had no clue, just sat there munching hay and asking when it was tiem to go outside. Oblivious. I called Matt out again. I couldn't look at the wound without getting sick. I blacked out once or twice and it was only grabbing one of the beams in the barn that I kept myself from face planting into the dirt.
Matt cut away the excess shredded skin around the wound so we would have access to the actual hole and be able to clean it. We flsuhed it with water until it was clean, then flushed it with betadine and more water. Then we administered GO-DRY....which is used ot treat mastitis in cows. Its mostly penicillin. We covered it with more gauze and tape and kept Joker on stall rest.
We kept this up t wice a day. I had toget up at 530AM before work and Erron would clean him while I held him. He was such a good boy. REally put up with it extremely well. Then I'd tape the bandage back on. He had trouble keeping the bandage int he right spot since it was on his neck, it would slide down and expose the hole and he'd get it full of dirt and debris. I went to my vet and got him on antibiotics too. So twice I day I had to dissolve his pills in water and put them in a syringe with some banana baby food and shoot that into his mouth. He wasn't too pleased abou that but eventually realized it was for his own good and held still for it.
Its been about 3 weeks since the explosion. The ''hole'' is now a completely flat scab about half the size of a dime. Its healing very nicely too and he's been able to be turned out now. It never got infected and healed incredibly fast.
Here's pictures from the day it exploded
And 8 days later
And today
Matt said he might end up with a divot in his neck as most injuries like this healed to leave a ''hole'' stil in the neck. But I'd say from looking at it he's goign to be 100% better. The fur is even growing back remarkably fast.
Here's also some more pics I took today.