Well-Known Member
As you probably know my bunnies has 5 babies. Asi had mentioned on my blog i was keeping two my boyfriend was havingtwo and i friend of mine was having one.
WELL she text me today and asked if she could have her rabbit now (theyare 4 weeks old) ands if not how long i was planning to keep the babieswith their mum and i said to her about 10 weeks. She text me back andsaid she had read in a book they should be seperated at 6 weeks. and iknow that people do seperate them that early but i wouldrather keep mine with thier mum as long as i can so they are as strongand healthy as they possibly can be, especially as one of the babies ispoorly. i explained this too her and she told me i was wrong and saidif i was doing that she didnt want one because i had left it too longand that would mean there might be something wrong with it. This REALLYannoyed me because she has never owned a rabbit before and is trying totell me how to look after MY rabbits, yeh i know i've never had babyrabbits before but i have got a lot of advice from people on this forumand ive taken them to the vets to be checked and spoken to the vet andthe vetenry nurse (who is a rabbit expert) about it and as far as i'mconcerned i'm doing the best for them that i can. so in the end i justtext her back and said they are my rabbits and i'm not going to doanything to jeperdise thier well being and thats just the way it is.she text back and told me i was wrong again and that she didn't wantone anymore. i recon she has just got impatient because its still awhile to wait and has probably gone and got one from a pet shop. buthow does she know how long they were with thier mum from a pet shop,and knowing the pet shops round here she won't be able to get anyproper advice on how to best care for a bunny
and thats the story, i had to post about it because its justunbelievable, this is the little bunny she was supposed to have, wecall it baby freckles because it looks like its dad freckles...
where is she going to find another bunny as beautiful as that...!?!??WHO would not want him/her?!
So its her loss, even if she texts me now and says actually she doeswant it, i'm gunna say no because when i tell her what food it eats andthings she should do to keep it healthy i doubt she will listen...likei said its her loss...shes an idiot for not wanting him/her.
My boyfriend is having baby freckles now as well as the two brownbabies, and know it will be SO well looked after there, hescurrently in the process of custom building and hutch and run for i get to see them everyday if they are with him.
So we're keeping all the babies close.
Aggh i just can't believe her, its really annoyed me, i am right arn't i??!!
Anna xxxxx
WELL she text me today and asked if she could have her rabbit now (theyare 4 weeks old) ands if not how long i was planning to keep the babieswith their mum and i said to her about 10 weeks. She text me back andsaid she had read in a book they should be seperated at 6 weeks. and iknow that people do seperate them that early but i wouldrather keep mine with thier mum as long as i can so they are as strongand healthy as they possibly can be, especially as one of the babies ispoorly. i explained this too her and she told me i was wrong and saidif i was doing that she didnt want one because i had left it too longand that would mean there might be something wrong with it. This REALLYannoyed me because she has never owned a rabbit before and is trying totell me how to look after MY rabbits, yeh i know i've never had babyrabbits before but i have got a lot of advice from people on this forumand ive taken them to the vets to be checked and spoken to the vet andthe vetenry nurse (who is a rabbit expert) about it and as far as i'mconcerned i'm doing the best for them that i can. so in the end i justtext her back and said they are my rabbits and i'm not going to doanything to jeperdise thier well being and thats just the way it is.she text back and told me i was wrong again and that she didn't wantone anymore. i recon she has just got impatient because its still awhile to wait and has probably gone and got one from a pet shop. buthow does she know how long they were with thier mum from a pet shop,and knowing the pet shops round here she won't be able to get anyproper advice on how to best care for a bunny
and thats the story, i had to post about it because its justunbelievable, this is the little bunny she was supposed to have, wecall it baby freckles because it looks like its dad freckles...

where is she going to find another bunny as beautiful as that...!?!??WHO would not want him/her?!
So its her loss, even if she texts me now and says actually she doeswant it, i'm gunna say no because when i tell her what food it eats andthings she should do to keep it healthy i doubt she will listen...likei said its her loss...shes an idiot for not wanting him/her.
My boyfriend is having baby freckles now as well as the two brownbabies, and know it will be SO well looked after there, hescurrently in the process of custom building and hutch and run for i get to see them everyday if they are with him.
So we're keeping all the babies close.
Aggh i just can't believe her, its really annoyed me, i am right arn't i??!!
Anna xxxxx