Baby bunny

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You might want to try holding the mother in yourlap. That way the babies could get some of their mothers milk, it isMUCH healthier for them and probably fattier.

hunnybunny63 wrote:
but the mother doesn't have any milk. that is the problemthat is also why we started feedin them in the first place!!!
Alright alright! When I had my litter Ididnt think she had enough milk either, but after a little more thenweek or so she had too much.

A quote from Pamnock

"You can either take the nestboxout and see if the doe will go in it to feed the kits, or put the doeon a towel on your lap, give her a little treat, and put the babiesunder her to nurse. The doe is more likely to relax in thisposition, which is important in triggering the "letdown" hormone response to allow the milk to flow from theglands."

If the babies survived that long in thenest box with the mother I am sure she did have enough milk, you justthought she didnt. Handfeeding them is super dangerous, I really dontsuggest it, try and just let the mother feeding them atleast half ofthe time.

Check out this site it may help you....

Also if you are SURE she isnt producinganything she may have a problem called mastitis a.k.a "Blue Brest"

* Mastitis - This is an infectionof the mammary glands of a female rabbit. Symptoms include refusing tonurse babies, inflammation, fever, going off feed, etc *

I am only trying to help you, you dont need to get nasty. :disgust:


ayglnu13 wrote:
I am only trying to help you,you dont need to get nasty. :disgust:

i am just trying to tell you the facts not be mean to you all. you have helped me so much.

i am going to check out those site you sent.

i have tried getting the mother 2 nuse her baies while i am there and all she does is run away!!!
Same with my doe,when I would have her feed the babies she would try to run but I wouldhave none of that. I took the doe in my arms and held her footballstyleupside down and I would place the babies on her. Trustme I had some VERY bad scratch marks on me, my whole arm was red at onetime. But inorder for the babies to gain weight they need theirmother's milk, it is higher in fat then Kitten replacer milks. It tookmy rabbit a good 8 days before she started producing milk, but thebabies did get enough milk to last them those 8 days.


How often would you have to hold the motherdown? Every 4 hrs? They only feed twice a day right... So would you doit late at night and then early in the mornings?
ayglnu13 wrote:
For the first 16 days I did it twice a day, after that I did it only once :)


i bought some cat milk from our vets. the vet said to go my the feedinginstructions on the packet. this means we are feeding them every 3hours as they are nearly 2 weeks old. when they were only 1 week we fedthem every 2hours.

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