Well-Known Member
Finally! Piccies!
I just took them today. They are 9 days old - and their eyesaren't open, but it sure looks like they have eyeliner on!
Firstly, here's daddy.
And some recent pics of mommy.
And then mommy and daddy together - it was hard to get this pic; guesswhy!
Aren't they so so different in size?
And finally, the ones you've all been waiting for....*drumroll*
All three of them:
Almond trying to eat hay.
They can really run!
The "twins."
And each in my hand. Top: Almond Middle: Olivia Bottom: Ollie
I know - I went crazy!
But aren't they just the cutest?
Btw, Ollie is a runt. Hehe.
I would say more, but I'm just too awestruck with the cuteness.

I just took them today. They are 9 days old - and their eyesaren't open, but it sure looks like they have eyeliner on!

Firstly, here's daddy.

And some recent pics of mommy.

And then mommy and daddy together - it was hard to get this pic; guesswhy!

And finally, the ones you've all been waiting for....*drumroll*
All three of them:

Almond trying to eat hay.

They can really run!




The "twins."

And each in my hand. Top: Almond Middle: Olivia Bottom: Ollie

I know - I went crazy!

I would say more, but I'm just too awestruck with the cuteness.
