I would very highly, stronglysuggestthat she put those babies right back where she found them. Ifshe's concerned about her dog getting at them, then she should movethem to a more secure area - very near to where she found them - orjust keep the dog inside &/or temporarily leashed when outsideuntil they've moved on.
It sounds like they are being weaned. Wild rabbits wean theiryoung around 3-4 weeks, just in time for mom to deliver & carefor her next litter. And the lady, of course, would not seethe mom nearby as that would be a direct indicator to predators of thebabies location. She will only visit the babies once or twiceunder the cover of Dusk, Evening, or Early Dawn.
She should also take heed to local laws regarding wildanimals. I know in most states, it is illegal to take in awild animal as a pet, as well as take in and nurse it back to healthwith the intention of re-release. There are issues withdisease & transfer of certain strains from domesticated animalsinto the wild.
I know she means well, and I'm glad her heart is in the right place,but it could really cause more harm to those little ones by taking themin than just leaving them to who knows best... their mom.
Edit: Oh, and Peapoo... you have my permission to copy this post as a reply to hers.