Babette is gone

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Nov 30, 2005
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:bigtears:I had Babette put down this AM. The bicillin had really cleared up her upper respiratory condition but she had been increasingly debilitated by neurological problems. She had lost sensation in her left front leg and her right back leg.

I tried her on fenbendazole but it only made her worse.
She could not stand upright but was dragging herself around on her right side.

The vet was going to try steroid injections today but I found a huge pressure sore on her right side this AM when I was giving her a butt bath.
Both the vet and I decided it was time for her to go.....

Please pray for Beau who has never known life without her....

My new avatar is a memorial to my sweet girl..

She is buried in the yard between a lilac bush and a rose bush

Goodbye my sweet girl " I loved you more than everything ......
Oh Maureen, Iam so sorry to hear this terrible news. I cant imagine how devastating this is after the long fight you and Babette have had. She was such a strong girl and held on for so long.

I'll be praying for you and for Beau. Does he have a stuffed animal he can snuggle up to?

My heart is just breaking for you.:bigtears:

Rest in peace sweet Babette. :bunnyangel:
Thanks Haley

I held this in all day and now I am crying.........

I kept her body with Beau for a long time. ..strange thing is that he had no reaction to her at all ..just acted normal. He has been eating and pooping ..

he has a stuffed rabbit that I rubbed her body on....

She was unable to groom herself for a long time so she groomed him instead.
I don't know how he will make it....
I feel so bad...
i'm so sorry :(

binkie free now, little one...

Thanks everyone!

Babette was the 2nd bunny I had in my life. Whe I got her I still lived in Chicago and she fit in the palm of my hand. I guess she was only a couple months old

I learned a whole lot about rabbit medicine because of Babette.
I guess it will help me in the future.
I looked back at some of my pms and realized that she had been sick since last fall.

I worried about her constantly .

I guess that if someone loved me as much as I loved her then that"s all you need in life.

I am so sorry for your loss. I know she won't be in pain anymore - but you will be. I wish I had words to comfort you.

All I can say is that life will go on and you will eventually be ok. I'm sure she stole part of your heart with her.

Thanks Peg
I know that you have had more than your share of losses recently....
its really hard when you love something ..

Thanks so much for the support ; it really helps ..I just downplayed this whole thing today and now all my feeling are just coming out.
>>>> I learned a whole lot about rabbit medicine because of Babette.
I guess it will help me in the future.

Maureen, I was just writing a note that says this very thing. I was so very sorry to see that she finally made her journey,butyour care of her was stellar, and she had so much more time than she would have had otherwise.

We will be forever greatful to her for all she taught us about rabbit health -- and I'm saying 'us' because you were so generous when it came to researching and sharing your knowledge.

Babette has left a legacy that will benefit so many.

We will all miss her terribly, but so much of her will be forever engrained on this forumfor years to come.

Thank you Babette, and thank you Maureen.

:rip: Gone but never forgotten. :hug1

sas :pink iris:
Angie, I'm so sorry to hear about Babette. My heart sank when I saw the title. You did the right thing letting her go, poor baby. I'm glad she has relief now, but I'm so sad for you and Beau :(

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