It's only the 6th of August? Geeez!!
Spent this past weekend doing homework as I had a horrible week and never got around to homework till the weekend.
My Ember had to go to the vet Monday (7/28) and was dignosed with pink eye! So it was fun trying to keep the other 5 cats from catching pink eye! Then I went to leave work to attend Emmy Ann's appointment and my Blazer's fuel pump went GOODBYE! So it was towed back to the house where we are going to fix it. I had to be at a meeting that day at 7 pm but didn't get home till 6:45 so needless to say I didn't arrive till 7:30 with notice. The 29th of July was my dad's birthday so I had to go celebrate that at his parent's house... ehh. Rest of the week just flew by so fast with being busy at work and so forth. This past weekend was the boyfriend's birthday but didn't get with him because of him being sick.

But I will get to see him this weekend.
The next few weeks are going to be horrid! This week already, yesterday I went to work, came home and ate dinner then went right back up to the down I work in to attend a meeting to prep for fair. Tonight I had a 4-H meeting so the agenda was the same as yesterdays. The rest of this week I have nothing planned except Friday when I'm going out with the guy. Next week is finals week and next Friday starts our county fair.
So... that means finishing up the rabbit royalty tests. I only worka few blocks from the fairgrounds so I'll be living inbetween work (putting in 40 hrs) and the fair from August 14 to August 22nd. August 22nd is the first day of a family gathering in which we will be pitching tents in my aunt's yard till thatSunday.
I think from the 26th to the 30th, I won't have classes, no fair... just working! So looking forward to that! Evening of the 30th and into the 31st will be a rabbit show ordeal. Funness!
So that's my life right now.
Pictures of the kittens that are now 4 months old and Emmy Ann were taken tonight so I'll share those once they are uploaded.
As for now, must hit the sheets! This will be the earliest I've got to bed in months!