Aty what age should rabbits meet the Vet

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Jul 5, 2009
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Isle O Man, , United Kingdom
Hi i have 2 9 week old rabbits. One boy and one girl.

I am planning to have 1 litter before getting them neutered.
At what age should they go to the vet for vaccinations etc?

I would suggest going and getting a check up ASAP. Are they living apart? Where did you get them?

They need their jab for myxomatosis and VHD, and they should be done 2 weeks apart. Vets differ as to the age they do the first one so its better to take them down and see what your vets do. Are they rabbit savvy?

Before you rbeed them there is a lot to consider. It would be well worth researching.

You need to think about things like what you will do with the babies, if you plan to sell them, will you be able to keep any you don't sell, or that have special needs/health problems, will you be able to take them back at any point if their owner can't keep them. Also you need to think about the health of your doe because you could potentially have health emergencies due to kindling, and you may even lose her. Do you have a decent rabbit savvy vet that can be contacted 24/7, are you prepared and able enough to assist in getting a stuck kit out if necessary, do you know enough about their genetics (parents, grandparents, etc) to know if there is a chance of passing on hereditary conditions, cost wise it is expensive to raise a litter, especially if you need an emergency spay or medical treatment for the kits.

Also think about the purpose of the kits.

Those are the sorts of things you need to consider, and research research research. I would suggest going to the rabbitry and asking questions.

What breed are your buns?

Can we pease see pictures :D

They are living together.
We got them from private sales. Both parents of each rabbit looked healthy.

They are lionhead x dwarf and lionhead x dutch.
You need to separate them for their own health, especially the girl, and also to avoid the risk of fighting.

It's not a case of if the rabbit looks healthy, you need to ideally know a genetic history to know if there are problems that could be passed on.

I do suggest doing a lot of research, and fast :)
Hi there! :) Welcome to the forum! Congrats on your new two!

I urge you to possibly rethink having one litter before neutering. Although babies are cute, the UK faces a major situation with homeless rabbits, and many are being euthanized due to overpopulation. If everyone were to have 'just one litter', it really leads to problems like we are experiencing today. It's a lot of stress finding suitable homes also. Definitely no shortage of rabbits waiting in shelters, but major shortage of adoptees!

I know you'll do the best for your bunnies, but from theperspective of someone who works with rabbit rescues and sees the results of rabbits not being able to find homes.. I really suggest looking to get the buck neutered as soon as his testicles drop.
Spring is right about the rescue siutuation. We have 33,000 rabbits sitting in chelters and rescues and many more that are being PTS before they even get to a shelter, andmany more living in neglectful and abusive homes. We are having a huge rabbit population problem, for sure.