Good lord Tauntz, where do you live? I would assume, Mississippi, Alabama, southern Georgia, or Florida by the way you talk about the weather! Or possibly Texas. I don't really consider Texas the "south" per say, but more like northern Mexico, southern mid-west. And I loosely consider Florida the south, because most of the residents in Florida are from the north so its more like South New York. haha. Mississippi, Alabama, Louisiana and southern Georgia are the deep south to me, and the most culturally alive parts of the south. Kentucky, Tennessee, Virginia and West Virginia are not really southern, they're just...backwoods. Theres a different kind of accent there and its a little weird, because its like the north and the south mated and came up with Tennessee and it was the awkward kid. And there is my overview(because everyone wanted to know) of The South, from someone from South Carolina...(the best state ever!)
I live in SC and we still have winter months! From like November to the end of March, then we get one really awkward 80* day in January that makes us all think its going to be spring soon. hahaha. I HATE winter, I don't like being cold. I don't like the snow, cold rain or any sort of ice. haha. When we went to Pittsburgh in December a few years ago, I thought I was going to die. Then when we went in April, it was SO cold at night my body was like WTF ITS APRIL! ITS SUPPOSED TO BE 80* NOT 30*. Then we got home at it was 80 and my body was no longer confused.
I love summer. Its hot, its humid, I look like a lion because my hair is really thick and really big, my makeup runs and I'm constantly sweating...but I love every stinking minute of it. LOL For some reason, I really like to sweat. Yes, I'm totally weird. I just sort of enjoy sweating. Like when I'm outside doing something and there is sweat dripping down my nose, I know I'm doing something. When I'm inside cleaning and I'm sweaty, I know that I've accomplished things! Plus, sweating is good for you!
I can't wait to see your dragon and see how you place in the contest! I'm sure you'll do well!