Are these herbs safe?

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Well-Known Member
Jul 28, 2021
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ontario 🇨🇦
Hey there,

I was recently at the grocery store and I saw this herbal tea that I thought I could add to my forage mix I make. I saw a lot of mixed opinions about anise online so I was concerned about that, and I wanted to make sure that everything was safe- I know some of them are but I was unsure about others, so I wanted an opinion. Thanks!

Well, since there is anise flavored Oxbow critical care recovery food mix, I can't imagine that it's a problem for rabbits to have. Though I can't say as to if there's a limit to the amount or if it's just the seed that's safe. And I can't find it specifically on a reliable safe list, but I also can't find it on a reliable toxic list. It's similar to fennel, at least in taste, and fennel is on the safe lists. But like you, I found some sites(with no reference info to back it up) that say no, and others say yes. But again, anise flavored critical care FOR herbivores, eg. rabbits. And there is an old RO thread talking about someone feeding it to their rabbits. I guess you'll just need to research it as best you can and decide if you think it's safe.

The rest are on the safe plants lists. But like with any new food, it's always best to start with a small amount for a couple days, then if no signs of mushy poop or digestive upset occur, slowly increase the amount. But I would suggest to still only feed a small amount as a treat, if you decide it's safe.

Medirabbit: safe herbs

Medirabbit: safe flowers for rabbits
I got some echinacea from small pet select to just do a small sprinkle around so he can forage they have fennel as well as one with lavender and chamomile I believe. I like to give cadbury a variety he loves his cilantro though and parsley. And yes I’m showing him off 😍🥰😁4B1806F8-7385-4471-98F7-5170D5B31FEB.jpeg

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