Apollo's Acres

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Holy COW!!! Otis has a huge tail and feet! I saw that pic and my mouth just about dropped open...LOL!
What a gorgeous sweetie he is...his colors are beautiful and he looks so majestic...what a sweetheart... :)
Di, it was your Ralph that got me looking for an Elop again and led me to finding Otis. So thank you.

Carolyn, you do know they make Sprite and Pepto Bismal for thatpuking problem you seem to have. You really should see adoctor for that.

I bet you look adorable in your little Polka dress tripping around the living room.

I tried getting pics of the bunns opening thier gifts. They sniffed them then ignored them.:X

Hopi on the other hand opened his lightening fast as I was inmy room giving Koda and their gifts. Came hobbling into the kitchen toget some pictures, well all that gift opening must have been tiringbecause he was laying down for a nap.

We left for a few hours and come home, yes, you guessed it,they all had their gifts unwrapped. The little stinkers didn't want anaudience.:D

I'll try and het more pics up this week.

Oh and my MRi is on Jan.3rd. I should hear what the doc wants to do on the 4th.

:jumpforjoy:I just saw it. WooHoo!! :jumpforjoy:

Thank you Carolyn for bringing it to my attention.

I'm going to print and frame it for him. That is so cool. Thank you Danieele for picking Otis. WoHoo!!

:elephant::bunnydance:I'm so excited.:bunnydance::elephant:

Thank you Spring and Angieluv. I feel bad, I really need to get more pics of my babies.

i wanna see the cover i wanna see see see seeseeb:elephant::highfive::great:congrats!!!!!:dancing::party::groupparty::yes::jumpforjoy:
CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUTTTTTTTTTTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!):love::inlove::sunshine:you can hop on chat if you want tina

if your there
Austin, I thought you would like it. I can't wait for you to meet Otis this summer. You are Otie's buddy.

SPM, I was floored when Carolyn told him. I was doing a one legged dance lol.

Nicky, Thank you. First Apollo and the calendar and now Otie and the magazine, I am one proud mommy.


OOh, Congratulations Otis!!

Tina - I'm so sorry to hear about your knee! Hope everything goes well and you feel better soon.

I am oties bud i will admit i0 cant wait to meetyou or jerto!!!:D:elephant::bunnydance::colors::sunshine::party::groupparty:tellotie i gave him a great big:hug:HUG!!!
Okay - that is totally stupid on the shelterspart - dogs should never be labelled just because of theirbreed. Sure, some dogs are more high-energy, protective, highprey drive, or domineering and need an owner with a firm hand, butaggressive...no. I hate stuff like that.:mad:

dajeti2 wrote:
Sadly I have somebad news. The way it looks right now Kuma won't be calling the Acreshome. Apparently since she is a chow mix she hasbeensaddledwith the tag "aggressive dog".:tantrum::growl:Apparently the
shelter doesn't adopt "aggressive dogs" to renters.:mad:

Yet they are calling my landlord to see if it's ok. I havecalled twice to discuss this with them and they have not returned myphone calls.

I also blew the surprise because when Dale told me about Kumabeing labelled like that, I lost it. I am going to as nicely as I cantry and get Kuma home. Please keep Jer in your prayers. He is sosaddened about not getting her.:tears2:I feel awful because it's myfault for not controlling my temper better. I shouldn't haveyelled.

It's so not fair.


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