Apollo's Acres Has Grown

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:shock2:WHAT!!!! Raspberry are you feeling OK? Imean, we are talking Chicks here. Chicks, chickens, big scarey,clucking, pecking chickens. And you said they were cute! Man, I thinkI'd better go and kiss a butterfly (NOT!!!)

Jan, thank you so much. Jeremy istraining all the chickens to sit on his shoulder as he walks aroundwith them. Thank you so much for the prayers. They really worked. Thankyou so very much.


Gypsy, Can you believe it lol. I didn't realize how big Hopihad gotten until he stood up. :shock:He's twice as big asChrista is now. Still have the same markings too. Unbelieveable.

I'm still watching Stormy because she is so much tinier thanMisty. They are both just the sweetest and totally changed my mind onNetherland Dwarfs.

Apollo is just well Apollo. He's a nut but he's my baby.

I can't wait to see eggs. They are getting so big. I'm taking them to the fair in August to show them lol

Jeremy was blushing when I read him what you wrote. It was really cute.

TINA what an AWESOME Zoo Crew indeed!

WOW! and Peter thinks we have a zoo! LMBO! I've told him all yourstories, about the girls, and then the pet store rescue, the chicks,chirpy, of course my Wollo too... and the I asked him if we could get aDONKEY!!!!!! LMBO!!!!

Seriously, i read in the paper, "FRIENDLY DONKEYS FOR SALE", I told himwe could put it in the living room, in his own stall, and we'd namehim, Eeyore! AWWWWWW!, but he said no! So I asked if we could get aflemmish, to that he responded, what on earth is that!:shock2:That wasmy face!

So needless to say, we agreed upon a baby! LMBO!

I LOVE the pics!!!!!! and yes i'll try to put more up of my Monkeys! this weekend!


Oh wow are those little ones getting sobig!! I love the little Nethies. I almost want one,but I've never had a good experience with one....Oh, who am I kidding,I want one of everything!!

The chicks are too funny. I love the one sitting on Jeremy's head.

Well, the Acres has grown yet again lol.The Punkins, Mitzy and Tinsel arrived safe and sound Frday evening.They have settled in nicely. In fact Mitzy scared the Jeepers out of meby flopping an hour after she had been here. I thought the stress ofthe drive and the day well you know. I was shaking and crying. I tappedher on the butt. She jumped up and thumped at me.:shock:EkkI jumped because she scared me. Tinsel just kept looking fromher to me back and forth trying to figure out what was wrong withus.:p

Mitzy's pictures
here she is flopped

running right at the camera

Checking out the litter box

Here's Tinsel's pictures
He's so curious


They both have such round little heads. Especially Tinsel see..

I'll be updating every bunny's pictures this week. I'll also be introducing the 2 new kids I'm getting.


Very cute!! I always worry about Keely when she"flops"...you guys were right..them flemish sure do "flop"...Corky hasstarted doing that some in the last month too...and they look dead,scary stuff...I always have to look at them for a minute to seebreathing.

2 more?? How many will that make? You must have a big place...my 5 takeup almost a whole room...granted its not very big ..but still!
They are just so beautiful Tina! I just love the coloring.

That picture of Mitzy flopped over is priceless. Also, good shot of herwalking towards you like that, I can never get the "action" shots intime.

How's the rest of the herd doing with the new additions?
Flemish flops are The Worst. I hate it because my heart always stops for those few seconds.

We will have 9 bunnies total. They have taken over the houselmbo. I took out my kitchen table to make room for the Punkins cage.Once the Rabbit room is done it will be alot easier.

we will be owned by:
Apollo Flemish
Christa Mini Lop
Hopi Mini Lop/New Zealand mix
Misty Netherland Dwarf
Stormy Netherland Dwarf
Mitzy(cahnging her name) Holland Lop
Tinsel(changing his name) Holland Lop
and 2 Jersey Woolies

12 chickens
1 dog
1 frog and 2 fish

It's officially a zoo lmbo.

9? Thats all?!?! LOL! Sure seemed likemore...maybe its the rate at which you've been adding that makes methink that!!! I bet you have your hands full...I feel like I do with5! I'm also finding out the Woody Pet doesn't last that longwith 5 of em!
Woody Pet doessn't last near as long asI'd like around here. Pellets, hay greens it all goes awhole lot fasterthan it used too. But I can honestly say I wouldn't have it any otherway.

I think it seems like more because each time it's been two,never just one. Plus the fact that I got the Twins and the Nibblets 2weeks apart.

I have learned that 7 bunnies means 7 times theguilt.:shock:Every morning I have 7 noses sticking out oftheir cages all wanting to be the first one I greet. They are so lovingand so sweet.

LOL Tina wait till allBoys start thumping for attention atonce sounds like a tribaldrumming lol.

Here Funny Bunny starts itand every boy bun in thegarage has to get in on the act lol .Then not to be outthumped some of the Ladies get intothe act , Ever hear a 12 lb Nzand a10 Pound French Lop thump atthe same time , ithas got to be the equal of aFlemish , or that of asmall Cannon going off lol, course them woodbottoms help resonatethe sound better too .

Every Bun in Your houseis Beautiful , such a rainbowof colors , I wouldsay you are soo luckybut I have to say your likeme Toatally NUTS!!!!!! lol .
Yeppers, I must agree with Gypsy - you BOTH are totally nutslol!:p

I can't believe how comfortable Mitzy is flopping out already - she isright at home so quickly. And look at Tinsel's innocentlooking round face - he reminds me of the "Monkies" Buster andTucker.I would be in bunny heaven. :bunnyangel:
Gypsy, I can only imagine. I know thenight of the chipmunk, Apollo got Hopi and Christa thumping too.Sounded like they were bringing down the house. Boy was it everloud.:shock:

I don't suffer from insanity...I enjoy every minute of it.:p:p


Jenni, Mitzy does the flop all the time. I walked into thekitchen this morning and Apollo, Mitzy, Hopi and Christa were allflopped.:shock::shock::shock::shock:I ran from cage to cagemaking sure they were all breathing. Talk about a heart stopper. Ugh,these babies are going to be the death of me.

Tinsel cracks me up. He has a grapefruit head with ears. It'sso cute. I never even thought of him looking like the Monkeys. They dodon't they? Cool

We've had a rough 24 hours.

One of Tinsel's nails had grown into his foot.:(I hadto clip it and remove it. Poor guy his foot is a bit sore today. Hisgirl Mitzy is being so sweet to him. I'll be trimming both of thiernails every other day until I get them to where they should be.

Penny was attacked by something last night. She has a bitewound on her leg right above her foot. I brought her in. I cleaned itout and put Neosporin on it. I have her in a carrier so I can keep aneye on her.

She's eating and drinking and going potty fine. She'snot using her leg. It's not broken just really sore. Poor thing freaksout whenever we check on her now. She's so afraid.

I feel so bad. My poor babies are hurting and there isn'tanything more that I can do for them than I am. It's soofrustrating.

I am trying to get more pics for ya'll but it's been a crazy few days.

Thank you both.

I tried to let Penny out and she won't even come out of thecarrier, the poor girl. Mitzy and Tinsel were the same way today.

Here is a picture of Jeremy with Penny and Precious. Penny is on the right. She's the red head.


Tina, you shouldn't feel badaboutwhat that has happened. The toenail clippingwas benefical and will help to make Tinsel feel better in the long runnow that the nail isn't growing into his foot.

As for Penny, she is in the house and safe andreceivingyour excellent care. Give hersome treats and keep her in a quiet place. She is probably alittle sacred right now. Keep us updated on hercondition.

I'm sure Tinsel is feeling better now. The poor guy.

Oh, I wonder what got Penny? Hopefully it wasn't a nastyopossum. I'm all freaked out about the one in my yard athome. LMBO

Penny is doing much much better. She isactually putting weight on the injured leg. I can't believe how quicklyshe is healing. The puncture marks already have new skingrowing.:shock::shock:I had to double check and makesureI wasn't seeing things.

So Penny is back outside in the coop again. If itlooks like she is having a problem I'll bring her back in until she'sfully healed. She was crying for the others and they were calling forher. I think it will be ok.

As for Tinsel, he is feeling better as well. Now the onlyproblem is they are both terrified of me.:(:(They stress sobad while I trim their nails, it's scary. I'm literally scared I'mgoing to give them a heart attack, that's how bad they stress.

So, I am going to be working with them both. I'm going to uselove and treats to get them to see nail trims as a good thing.

Oh, Apollo thumped for my attention thismorning.:shock:He never does that. Woke the Punkins up andthey joined in.:shock::shock::shock:Talk about a head ache inthe making. All Apollo wanted was a piece of paper and a nose rub.:pThe Punkins got a piece too. Somehow they weren't asimpressed with it as Apollo was.


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