Well-Known Member
Tina, I have not been on the board for severaldays, and I am so sorry to hear what has happened to Apollo!I am so glad things are looking up for your guy! I will sendtons of positive thoughts your way!! Tracy
*rolling around on the floor....can'tcatch my coming upstairs to see if I'malright....laughter hitting a new pitch*
Dale said that it is better to give than recieve. So what wasyour address again. You have the ever hungry teenagers.Glad to hear The Big Guy isgetting better. I'm sure he will keep on improving under you andJeremy's watchful and lovingcare!![]()
You know, the only problem with gettingrid of the next opossum with a machine gun as Inot sosubtlety eludedtoo......would be that Iwas raised that you eatwhat you kill!:shock:
SO, go ahead and get rid of the next onein that manner if you must, but be prepared with a good recipe and abig pot!
I have the most Amazing News!
Apollo has only had the occassional twitch today. They are sofar and in between that it's not even a matter of how many an hour. Iam so thankful. I keep tearing up I am so relieved. I want to thank youall for all you all havedone.