Apollo Got Hurt

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Tina, I have not been on the board for severaldays, and I am so sorry to hear what has happened to Apollo!I am so glad things are looking up for your guy! I will sendtons of positive thoughts your way!! Tracy
Glad to hear TheBig Guy is getting better. I'm sure he will keep on improving under youand Jeremy's watchful and lovingcare!

You know, the only problem with gettingrid of the next opossum with a machine gun as Inot sosubtlety eludedtoo... ...would be that Iwas raised that you eatwhat you kill!:shock:

SO, go ahead and get rid of the next onein that manner if you must, but be prepared with a good recipe and abig pot!

I'm SOOOOOOOO glad to hear 'Wollo's better, i wasworried about the poor dear. When i first read the thread i was like,"Oh, no! Now he's going to be handicapped?" But through your love,attention and kisses, Apollo'll get better soon, at least he better!:p

BunnyMommy wrote:
.... Sorry ... just the thought of eating a possum...
*rolling around on the floor....can'tcatch my breath...kids coming upstairs to see if I'malright....laughter hitting a new pitch*

BunnyMommy you made my day! :cool:


PS- I'm still laughing! I'll probably layin bed tonight and try to sleep and think about your face when you readthat and laugh again! :p
RaspberrySwirl wrote:
Glad to hear The Big Guy isgetting better. I'm sure he will keep on improving under you andJeremy's watchful and lovingcare!

You know, the only problem with gettingrid of the next opossum with a machine gun as Inot sosubtlety eludedtoo... ...would be that Iwas raised that you eatwhat you kill!:shock:

SO, go ahead and get rid of the next onein that manner if you must, but be prepared with a good recipe and abig pot!

Dale said that it is better to give than recieve. So what wasyour address again. You have the ever hungry teenagers.

Look at what Dale wants to get me to discourage them possum.

I like thistoo. Nomore possum on my porch. And as backup...

BunnyMommy I'm with you.

I have the most Amazing News!

Apollo has only had the occassional twitch today. They are sofar and in between that it's not even a matter of how many an hour. Iam so thankful. I keep tearing up I am so relieved. I want to thank youall for all you all havedone.

dajeti2 wrote:
I have the most Amazing News!

Apollo has only had the occassional twitch today. They are sofar and in between that it's not even a matter of how many an hour. Iam so thankful. I keep tearing up I am so relieved. I want to thank youall for all you all havedone.


Blesshis heart!!!...





Yey!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm sohappy to hear he's getting better by leaps and bounds. Now hewill be in perfect health in time to spoil the new babies!
Great News!!!

Apollo hasn't had any twitching episodes since I got up at 6am.So we are on four hours free. I'm keeping my fingers crossed. So far soawesome.

I haven't been on the boards much in the pastcouple of weeks, but I have been keeping up with this thread, Tina(although haven't posted in it).

I just want to say I've been thinking of Apollo and how he's doing andI'm so very glad that the little guy (yeah right!) is doing better. :)
On a side note, going along with the joke abouteating the possum, I looked up "possum recipes" on Google and wasrather surprised to find so many! I was going to post a linkhere....but thought wisely against it as I was grossing myself out. LOL
Stephanie thank you very much. That is very sweet of you. As to the whole eating that nasty thing yuck.

I looked up "possum recipes" on Google and was rather surprisedto find so many! I was going to post a link here....but thought wiselyagainst it as I was grossing myself out. LOL
My in-laws are always kidding me about eating crazy stuff..possum,groundhog, raccoon. I'm always wary about eating the meat at theirhouse lol, ya just never know. I looked it up to but Ewwww.


I'm so happy for you and Apollo! I've been praying for him.

Even though I've never met him in person, his pictures and stories have stolen my heart!


dajeti2 wrote:
Great News!!!

Apollo hasn't had any twitching episodes since I got up at 6am.So we are on four hours free. I'm keeping my fingers crossed. So far soawesome.


Pollo Wollo, he's our man!!!!

He can do it, Apollo can!!!!!

No Twitching!!!

I do believe our baby has made itthrough this withnothing more than a freaked out and now paranoid mom. I moved his cage6 inches from the wall so we never have another injury like this. Ialways thought I was prepared for anything Boy was I wrong. I havelearned to plan ahead even more so and be ready for anything.

I am so happy. I'm crying again. I want to thank you all again.You are all Awesome and I'll never forget this. Thank you with all myheart.


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