Apollo Got Hurt

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I do hope things are ok with Apollo !

When we first got Felix we used to open the patio doors and had alarge-ish area cordoned off with panels so he could hop in and out ....we always left the patio door open, until one time when we got fed upof him hopping in and out every few seconds, so we closed it ... onlyFelix, having never seen a patio door before, treid to jump through it,going smak bang into the glass, doing a kind of back flip ... thenshaking his head and walking away and ignoring us. (Maybebecause it looked kind of funny and we were laughing ... andluckily he didnt do any serious harm to himself)

I dont know much about rabbit care but my instinct would be to giveApollo lots of special attention, which I know you are doing... perhaps he just got a little concussed? If so,that takes a day or so to get over in humans doesntit?

Let us know how he is today?

Saff xx
We had a bit of a problemlastnight. He had 2 very small seizures last night. If youhave ever gotten a cold chill down your spine and the involuntary shakeand brrr. Well they were like that. The first one lasted about 15seconds. Alittle while later an even milder one that lasted about 8seconds.

I called the vet and we agree that there is no point inmedicating him at this point. If he continues having them then we wilhave no choice. So I have rigged his cage with bells. The slightestmovement and I look over. Plus if I happen to be in another room I hearit and come running.

I also set up a bunny monitor. It's one of Jeremy's "seizure"can't call it baby monitor. I have it right in front of his cage. Allwe can do now is wait and see and pray alot.

His eye and ear are still twitching. It has stayed prettyconstant at 3-4 times an hour. As long as it doesn't increase I'mhappy.

I am going to try and squeeze an hour nap in, I haven't sleptsince this started. Thank you everyone for the thoughts and prayers.They are most definitely working.


ohh Tina I am so sorry to hear what happened toApollo!! I just saw this thread; I can’t believe I missed it earlier!!Poor Apollo!!:( BAD, STUPID, EVIL, NO GOOD, DIRTY, ROTTEN, LOW LIFE,LOSERISH OPPOSSUM!!!! (haha just to add to the names we have given it!)I hope he feels better soon, Nimue will be very sad to hear what hashappend to Apollo :(
Nimue and I send our love to you and Apollo :D I'm sure he will get well soon!

I hope he is going to be ok!! I will be thinking of him. I hope you can get some rest.

Hi Tina,

I'm so sorry to hear about Apollo's mishap.

Good thoughts and prayers sent!

Somebody needs to talk to that nasty possum's mommy :X.

Hugs and kisses for Apollo please.

Is it a video baby monitor?? :D

Keep us updated!!


Hi Apollo I was thiniking maybe it wouldbe cool if you lived with me and Sebastian I could give both of youboys a ear rub every day, two yougert drops every day and I could giveyou both a kiss on the nose when I wake up and you boys could get along in Sebatians cage becuause you are both so sweet. It is big enoghffor both of you. There is two levels, actchewle three levels but youboys could both have your own level that is a L shape all for yourself.Then your Mommy can have a nap.

I coudnt remember what a possum looked like so my Momma showed me.

WOW! :shock:


That probobely freaked you out half todeath!!!

I have to stay home today becausee my doctorworked onmy feet yesterday and they realey hurt so I will be checking on you alot.

I love you Apollo.

Sebastian's Little Girl

Hold him tightly, Tina.Stroke him. Let him feel good energy flowing through theafflicted areas. If they are as sensitive to energy as wethink they are, he should be able to benefit from the close interaction.

Prayers to the both of you.

Up close thats one scary looking animal. I dont blame Apollo for being freaked out. Hope he is ok.

Tina, I am just catching up on this now. I feelso bad for you. Poor Apollo. Don't blame yourself, it most definatelywasn't your fault. We love Apollo so much that I am sure the good vibeseveryone is sending will do the trick. Try and get some rest. Prayingfor you all. - Jan
Aww ium sorry to hear that!!ut imsure he will just be fine!! i would phone or go to the vet just tomake sure evrything is in good order!! sounds like me when any of myanimals get hurt!!

anywyas keep us updated with any info you have!! hope he ok Hugs all round!!:D:D:D
Tina your poor, poor, baby boy! I really hopethat he will be ok. I am sending all my prayers and love out to you alland hope he makes a quick recovery. Aww that poor baby he must havebeen so shaken upby the whole ordeal.

I have never seen a possum but they look like nasty things. I wouldhave compaired to it to my ferret's, butthey sound twice thesize as mine are a quarter ofthe size of my domesticatedcats. I guess we are lucky in UK that we don't get tormented with suchvicious wild animals apart from the odd fox.

Give my little man lots of love and hugs from me and my family and Ireally hope hecarries on not needing medication.

Oh one last thing I really wish you wouldn't beat yourself up the way you have in one of your posts. It wasn't your fault.

Sending so much love out to you honey!!

Vickie xxxxxxx
I am hopeful we are over the worst of it.Apollo hasn't had any seizures since 1am. I am excited about that. Thetwitching episodes are holding at a steady 3 an hour ratherthan the 3-4 we have had.

He bunny flopped today. I cried I was so happy:D. He hasn'tflopped since all this started. But I did geta heapinghelping of attitude today:X. Apollo doesn't understand why he can'tcome out and play. Well love bug decided that if he can't come out Ican't pet him. He's been laying in the far back corner of his cage so Ican't reach him.:(

That Nutrical-awesome stuff. Since giving it to him he has yetto stop eating. I was telling Carolyn, right after the seizures hejumped went potty and ate. I had to refill his bowl. He has eaten in alittle over a day what normally takes 2 days.:shock:

I think I hear my pillow calling me. It's time for a quick napbefore Apollo's Bro gets home. Thank you every one.

Oh, I'm so glad to hear that he isgetting better. I always take bunnitude as a goodsign. If they feel good enoug to pout then they must be doingbetter.

I can't believe you made that picture youravatar!

* * * * * *

Tina and Jeremy,

Things definitely seem to beimproving for the 'littleguy'. Positive thoughts and many prayers still go outApollo's way.

Carolyn wrote:

I can't believe you made that picture youravatar!

* * * * * *

Tina and Jeremy,

Things definitely seem to beimproving for the 'littleguy'. Positive thoughts and many prayers still go outApollo's way.

Hey! My brother made me promise not to dress him up anytime soon so all I have are memories...:p


Since whendid you startlistenting to your brother???

Oh Vash...The Shame of it All!!
