Anyone have any certain breeds of rabbits they won't own

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SilverBirchRabbitry wrote:
I will never, I repeat never own a rex. They are icky lol They just don't appeal to me in any way at all!

:shock::cry2 dont know about 'icky' but they are definitely opinionated, disapproving and full of attitude.

personally i wouldnt choose lops - i'd be worried about their ears picking up an infection from being in contact with the ground!:rollseyes
BlueSkyAcresRabbitry wrote:
Saudade wrote:
Happi Bun wrote:
Saudade wrote:
They're vicious.
Had one try and take my arm off when it was pregnant.
Don't paint them all with the same brush. ;)
I know a Polish rabbit at the rescue I volunteer with that is such a sweetie.

For me it would be large breed rabbit's like Flemish (just as one example). I wouldn't feel comfortable having one since I currently live in a Condo. I just feel there is not enough room to house a bun that size comfortably.
Hey let me around one that isn't pregnant and I'll give it a try, but I'm pretty cautious around them. Only thing I know is that when they're pregnant you avoid them like the plague.
I think a lot of does are nasty when they're pregnant. ;) I have a Polish (never been bred) and she's kinda nasty. But when my other-breed does are pregnant they are nasty as well. ;)
So it's not just Polish when they're pregnant; it's other breeds as well. ;)

Yup what Emily said, my Princess would take your hand off when having a false pregnancy or pregnant, people who meet her then would think that she is a viscious rabbit well really she's a big sweetie.

I like all breeds of rabbits, I prefer some to others but I would keep any kind.
FGor me any breed that needs daily grooming. I had a lop that had hair behind his ears and I had to brush it everyday. Never again.

I brush storm like once every two weeks or when I remeber. I like it that way I really want a dutch for my next bunny I like Ali apple I want one that color I would take apple if she would let me and I had some experience with a head tilt bun
Mrs. PBJ wrote:
FGor me any breed that needs daily grooming.   I had a lop that had hair behind his ears and I had to brush it everyday.    Never again. 

I brush storm like once every two weeks or when I remeber.  I like it that way I really want a dutch for my next bunny I like Ali apple I want one that color I would take apple if she would let me and I had some experience with a head tilt bun

Apple goes no where. :p The special things some head-tilt buns needs can add up. Each head-tilt bunny is different. How they adapt to it is different.
Saudade wrote:
irishbunny wrote:
I think saying all Polish are viscious is like saying all pitbulls are viscious
Don't start that in this thread.
It wasn't me who said Polish were viscious....
I was just comparing it to the fact that some people think all pitbulls are viscious when really they aren't.
irishbunny wrote:
Saudade wrote:
irishbunny wrote:
I think saying all Polish are viscious is like saying all pitbulls are viscious
Don't start that in this thread.
It wasn't me who said Polish were viscious....
I was just comparing it to the fact that some people think all pitbulls are viscious when really they aren't.
That is exactly my point. If you could be bothered researching genetic traits you would find that aggressive and violent tendencies can be passed down genetically.
Time-out. Drop the dog stuff and keep it on the bunnies.

Dogs like that we have to agree to disagree.

Saudade wrote:
irishbunny wrote:
Saudade wrote:
irishbunny wrote:
I think saying all Polish are viscious is like saying all pitbulls are viscious
Don't start that in this thread.
It wasn't me who said Polish were viscious....
I was just comparing it to the fact that some people think all pitbulls are viscious when really they aren't.
That is exactly my point. If you could be bothered researching genetic traits you would find that aggressive and violent tendencies can be passed down genetically.
Wow someone is in a bad mood,
that doesn't mean all Polish are viscious lot's of people have Polish that aren't viscious at all.
** This is all IF I was able to CHOOSE a bunny...if it happened to "fall on me", then that's that! **

I feel bad for saying this, since I spent time with Peg & all of her Lionheads AND I have one of my own (Marlin)...but I don't think I will have another LH again. Their fur is insane when they shed - Marlin makes enough fur for 2 more LH's. Also...Marlin was such a sweetie when he was younger (got him at 6 weeks)...then overtime (seriously..for no reason) he has become skittish and isn't a little cuddle bug like he used to be. It is like he is a totally different rabbit - something I might like to figure out through an animal communicator. He is also "ditzy"...which can be annoying sometimes, lol. I do love my Marlin-Muffin though...very much!

I probably won't get another Holland Lop. My experience with Brody & Benson (my foster) is that they are very pushy rabbits and like to "test you're limits". I love Brody and loved Benson, but they were a piece of work..haha!

I also love English Lops...but don't think I could have one because their ear issues scare me.

Hrm...I adore Flemish Giants, but like Pip said....we hear of them dying young and that is unsettling for me. Of course...I have pet rats and they all usually don't live past 2.5 (if you're lucky). But at the same time....a rabbit is larger and much like losing a cat.

There are some rabbits out there that I wouldn't just go and "pick out" because of their looks.
JadeIcing wrote:
Mrs. PBJ wrote:
FGor me any breed that needs daily grooming. I had a lop that had hair behind his ears and I had to brush it everyday. Never again.

I brush storm like once every two weeks or when I remeber. I like it that way I really want a dutch for my next bunny I like Ali apple I want one that color I would take apple if she would let me and I had some experience with a head tilt bun

Apple goes no where. :p The special things some head-tilt buns needs can add up. Each head-tilt bunny is different. How they adapt to it is different.

HHHMMMM Road trip could I at least meat and hold her one day?:cry1:

No but when I saw a picture of Apple that the color dutch I want ok totally off subject
If you are in the area you can.

Mrs. PBJ wrote:
JadeIcing wrote:
Mrs. PBJ wrote:p
FGor me any breed that needs daily grooming.   I had a lop that had hair behind his ears and I had to brush it everyday.    Never again. 

I brush storm like once every two weeks or when I remeber.  I like it that way I really want a dutch for my next bunny I like Ali apple I want one that color I would take apple if she would let me and I had some experience with a head tilt bun

Apple goes no where. :p The special things some head-tilt buns needs can add up. Each head-tilt bunny is different. How they adapt to it is different.

HHHMMMM Road trip could I at least meat and hold her one day?:cry1:

No but when I saw a picture of Apple that the color dutch I want ok totally off subject
I would love to meet Chibi! The nethie was actually a breed I was VERY interested in until I met a few whom were not nice at all and so I focused my attention at other breeds. I would love to have a nice nethie if I can find one. I think they are adorable.
I have to close my eyes to everyone who doesnt want a lop or who says that they are boring!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! psh i dont want to hear such nonesense.

for me i would have to say that white rabbits, with red eyes do nothing for me, not to say that i havent liked any rabbits that were white or white with red eyes but for the most part i wouldnt run out and get an all white rabbit. Lion heads are cute but i dont think i would own one of them guys either.

now the rabbits that i have listed isnt because i dont like them in any way there are plenty of white rabbits, or lion heads that i find utterly cute , so dont get sad
Breeds I don't like the look of:

Lionheads. They have boogly eyes and always look terrified or angry.
Rex...sometimes...they are a bit "gamey" looking for me (like a wild bun). Some individual rex and minirex are just gorgeous though.
Flemish giant.
English lop.

Pretty much anything too fluffy or anything with a huge long face. I like compact bunners.

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